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Charlie's POV:

Looking towards this voice, I recognized the face of Aunt Ashy. The only way I knew it was her was because of the outfit.

'Everything ok, baby?'she asked taking note of the stressed look I held.

I thought about what to say, ultimately opting to shake my head, after realizing I couldn't pretend very well right now.

She observed me for a moment before speaking again, 'Do you need one of your mommies?'

I nodded my head quickly, glad she suggested it without me saying anything.

'Ok, let's go find them then.' She said reaching a hand out. I went to grab it, but a pang in my bladder stopped me from hopping off the chair.

'Can I carry you?' She asked, taking note of my pause.

I debated it, still a little unsure around her, but the urgency I felt had me slowly nodding my head. As she reached, lifting me into her arms, I could feel my whole body tensing in hopes of holding it in.

I didn't even notice her walking away until she started talking again.

'Liz.' She tried.

'Just a sec, we're in the middle of this.' A familiar voice said, having me turning my head to look.

'Lizzie.' Aunt Ashy tried again.

'One second.' She dismissed her.

Too desperate to wait, I cried out, 'Mommy.'

Her head whipped around to face me so quick I thought it would come off. She stepped over to us.

Seeing the panic on my face, she asked, 'What happened baby?'

'I think she has to go to the bathroom.' Aunt Ashy explained.

'Is that true, my love?', Mommy looked at me.

I nodded my head frantically, reaching for her as best I could. She took me into her arms, her arm resting under my bottom as my tensed legs hung straight.

'Ok, let's go then.' She told me, excusing herself from the conversation and thanking Aunt Ashy as she hurried to the bathroom.

I could feel the urge to go growing impossibly as I struggled to hold it in more and more. Making it to the bathroom, Mommy rushed inside, noting my need.

'Potty", I cried out, feeling myself bordering an accident.

'I know, I know, baby. We're so close.' She reassured walking into a stall.

Setting me down to lock the stall, I couldn't take it anymore. And as she turned to help me, everything seemed to move in slow motion. I could feel the icky warmth running down my leg, as sobs began to escape my lips. There's no way.

I felt as her hands rushed to lift my dress, pulling my bottoms down and lifting me onto the toilet to avoid any further mess. Holding my dress as I finished going, I couldn't seem to hear her through my cries. It was only after that I came back to reality.

'Shh, you're ok. It's ok, lovey. You're ok.' She cooed at me kneeling in front of my as she tried to wipe my tears.

I looked at her through my tears, a fresh round begging to fall. Though, the comfort in her eyes stopped them.

'It's ok. It was just an accident. Accidents happen.' She reassured me.

Sniffling, I tried to blink away the tears as she continued to whisper sweet nothings in my ear.
I watched as she removed my shoes, setting them on the floor beside her. She carefully took of my socks and pulled my bottoms the rest of the way off setting them in a pile next to my shoes. She handed me some toilet paper helping me wipe as she continued to assure me that I was ok.

'Do you need a hug?' She asked me. I nodded sadly, readily accepting the comfort of her embrace as she lifted me into her arms.

Laying my head on her shoulder as I continued to sniffle, I melted into her as she swayed us while rubbing my back.

'Liz, Ash said you guys were in here and it's been a bit so I came to check.' I heard Mama's voice.

Suddenly, noting how tired I was, I made no effort to move.

'We're in here, babe. We're ok. We just had a little accident and it's made us pretty upset.' Mommy called out, opening the stall for Mama to see.

Turning so Mama could see me, I saw the comfort in her gaze

'Oh, my poor baby' she pouted, running her finger gently across my now sticky cheek, tracing the remnants of my tears.

'That's no fun.' She told me watching as I simply blinked.

'Yeah, her bottoms are somewhat soaked and her socks and shoes got a little on then but her dress is fine. I lifted it in time. We were really close.' Mommy explained.

'Alright, then what do you wanna do? I can ask for a bag or something.' Mama suggested.

'Can you just go grab my purse, I've got a spare change of clothes in there and we just won't worry about the shoes. She's exhausted anyways so we can just carry her.' Mommy replied.

'Spare change already?' Mama teased.

'I'm a mommy, I offer no explanation.' Mommy countered.

'I'm just messing with you, love.' Mama kissed her, kissing my head too, 'I'll be right back.'

'You ready to go home?' Mommy asked, rocking us back and forth as Mama left to retrieve her bag.

I didn't respond, continuing to snuggle into her arms. Soon enough, Mama returned with her bag and Mommy wiped me down with a baby wipe, even wiping my face too. While she put my dirty clothes and shoes in a baggy and washed her hands, Mama put the fresh underwear and bottoms on me. She lifted me into her arms, rocking us as I snuggled into her.

I closed my eyes accepting the warmth of her embrace, and drifting into a much needed sleep, the last thing I heard being, 'It's been a long day.'

A/N: Ok, here's the other chapter I mentioned and now I don't know what to do. Well I kinda know just not specifics yet, but I hope this comfort filled chapter was worth the anticipation.

Hopefully I'll see you soon.

EJ <3

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