Announcement? (Is a chapter)

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Charlie's POV:
I couldn't tell you much about what happened because before I knew it my eyes had closed and the last thing I remember was Mama humming to the music as I fell asleep. It didn't feel like long before I felt a warm hand rubbing my tummy disturbing me from my peaceful slumber. Slowly I turned my head against my car seat whining at the person's attempt to wake me up. I'm sleepy. Why don't they get that? A girl needs her sleep.

'C'mon babygirl. Open those pretty eyes for Mama.' I heard. It was tempting but not enough to make me move.

'C'mon love, it's time to wake up. We're gonna go meet the rest of Mommy's family and mine too and all of your cousins. And we've gotta get some food in that tummy of yours. Can you wake up for Mama, baby?' She continued. I, reluctantly might I add, turned towards her, stretching before slowly opening my eyes to reveal none other than my Mama smiling back at me.

I reached out for her making grabby hands with nothing other than snuggles in her warm embrace on my mind. She chuckled at my eagerness to be out of my seat before unbuckling me, too slow for my liking noted through her shushing of my whines, and lifted me into her arms.

'We'll have to keep in mind how easily she falls asleep in the car.' Someone laughed. I think it was mommy but I'm not sure. As Mama held me I laid my head in the crook of her neck enjoying the little darkness it provided.

'Ah ah ah. Not so fast, lovey. You gotta stay awake, honey.' Mommy prodded as she ran her hand softly against my cheek. I couldn't help the whine of protest that escaped me.

She pouted, 'Oh, I know. I'm so mean, huh. I'm sorry, love, but we need you to sleep tonight and until there's some food in that little tummy and you've met Mama and I's family, well been introduced, we need you to stay awake.'

I huffed as I turned my head and laid it against Mama's shoulder. I could feel Mama's laugh vibrate her chest against my body as she kissed my head and rubbed my back.

'Mommy's right baby, so you better keep those eyes open.' She told me. I pulled away and turned to look at them. Pouting I hugged once again unhappy with my circumstances. Mommy leaned over Mama's shoulder and pecked my lips, ridding them of the previous pout.

'We can't have a pouting baby before we even go in.' She smiled as Mama began walking towards the restaurant.

Completely forgetting our previous conflict and leaned towards her, 'More?' I pouted my lips.

She laughed lightly at my antics before pecking my lips again and then all over my face, effectively making me giggle.

'There's our happy girl.' She smiled. I sighed and laid my head down on Mama's shoulder watching mommy and everything around us as we walked. When we got inside Mama spoke to the lady up front before we were lead to some room towards the back of the restaurant. We entered a room where I could hear plenty of conversation going on before a very clear. 'Ah, and they've finally arrived.'

'Hi, mom.' I could hear Mama say. I could feel there were lots of people in the room so I turned back to my hiding spot in Mama's neck.

'Hi, darling and Liz, dear. It's great to see you all.', the lady spoke.

'You too, mom.' Mommy responded.

'Whose the little one?' She added finally taking notice of I think my presence.

I heard a pause before Mama finally said, 'Actually, um, liz and I have an announcement.'

A/N: Ok, ok, so it's been awhile or like months but hear me out. I got super like crazy busy and completely forgot what the next chapter was meant to be in this book until we had an incredible memory moment tonight at.... 2:43 in the morning. Anyways enjoy this chapter while I write the next one. I am doing that now by the way. I sincerely apologize for the wait. Feel free to be mad at me. I deserve it. Um.. I thought this was cute but that's kind of all, so see you in the next one, soon I promise this time. Feel free to message me for anything, requests, just need to talk, or whatever else. I love you all forever and always,
EJ <3

(Not proof read)

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