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Charlie's POV:
Watching as Mama and Mommy walked away, I couldn't help but feel small. I mean I am but I felt like curling into a ball and hiding. I know I made a deal and that I just have to draw a picture to go back to them but that feels really hard.

'Hey, Charlie. There's some paper and crayons in front of you if you want to start your drawing.', A voice startled me from my thoughts.

Turning around slightly, I kept my gaze on my shoes. I glanced up a little, just to make sure they were right, and they were. On the table in front of me was a couple pieces of paper and a few random crayons. Yet, I still couldn't bring myself to make a move.

'I promise we're not as scary as you think. You can color if you want. No one's gonna stop you.' They said, gently.

Taking a chance I looked at them for a minute, she seemed really sweet. There was a soft smile on her lips and it didn't look like she was trying to mess with me.

'I'm Fenan by the way.', she addressed, I simply nodded my head slightly letting her know I heard.

'I promise no one's gonna give you a hard time. If they do, you just come to me and I'll sort it out.' She reassured.

Taking a deep breath, I turned back to the table, slowly reaching up to grab a crayon as I started my drawing. It's not that she wasn't nice and I didn't mind her talking to me, but I don't feel like talking and soon enough everybody expects you to talk. But obviously I can't talk if I'm coloring! That'd be too much at once.

Looking at the paper, I already knew what I was gonna draw. It'd been on my mind all day and I didn't know how to talk about it so why not just draw it. They'll definitely understand a picture.

Making quick work of coloring every detail I could think about I didn't even register what was going on around me. With my tongue poked out in peak concentration I made sure to make it as clear as possible. And everything was going fine until I picked up a green crayon just for it to be snatched out of my hand.

'I wanted to use that next!', the boy exclaimed.

I didn't know what to do, but I needed that crayon. I couldn't finish my drawing without it.

'Mason, Charlie had it first. Just let her use it and you can have it when she's done.', I heard Fenan speak up.

That's right, his name was mason. He was five if I remembered correctly, meaning he was older than me but he still seemed a lot bigger.

'No, I need it for my dinosaur!' He argued.

'And you can have it, but when she's done.' Fenan tried again.

'Just cause you're the oldest doesn't mean you can tell me what to do!' He shot back at her.

Another boy spoke from beside him, 'Mason, she's not telling you what to do cause she's the oldest. She's telling you what to do because you're being mean and misbehaving.'

'You can't tell me what to do either.' He turned to the boy.

'I'm not telling you what to do. But I am saying that if you don't starting being nice, I'm sure mom and dad have no problem punishing you. You don't wanna lose screen time.' The boy pushed back.

Mason sighed, and I couldn't help but think he was gonna give up and I'd get my crayon back. I was wrong. Well, I did get the crayon back.

'Fine, have your crayon!' He said as he threw it right at me. I closed my eyes, trying to cover my face as it came flying at me. Feeling the sting on my cheek as it hit, I opened my eyes back up. Reaching up, I rubbed the spot it hit.

I heard gasps around me, 'Mason!'

The next thing I felt was a hand on my lap. Turning to its owner, I met the concerned gaze of Fenan.

'Are you ok?' She asked.

I took a second to think it through before nodding me head.

'Did he hurt you?' She continued.

I shook my head. It stung a little when it hit but nothing bad. The pain was over now anyways.

'Ok, are you sure?' She double-checked, happy to see me nod my head.

'Here's the crayon, why don't you finish your drawing now. Uncle Chris and Aunt Beth are dealing with Mason right now.' She explained.

Taking the crayon from her hand, I simply continued finishing my drawing. Coloring in the last detail I held it up happy to see the finished product. Though, as my focus on the drawing faded, I was left with an urgent realization. The realization that I had been holding going to the bathroom this entire time and now I really had to go. Like really really.

'That's a very pretty drawing.' A voice praised over my shoulder.

A/N: It's been a while. I truly appreciate everyone's support and patience. Please know that this chapter is no promise of consistent updates or even anything major soon. There is another part after this that should be out soon but everything after that is gonna come as the story comes to me. I wrote everything in a go with the flow mindset so no motivation or ideas means no update. I'm open to any suggestions though if you'd like to expedite future chapters but for now I really hope you enjoyed this and I hope to see you again soon.

I also want to apologize for my absence. Life is crazy and I have not been in any mindset to write literally anything, plus this book and the other main one I've neglected have produced some serious writers block for a while. Anyways, I hope you're all well.

EJ <3

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