Take care

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Leah's pov

When you really like someone , you'll do anything for them. Literally.

I promised Jennifer I'd pick her up after her party but I'm soooo tired. I had a long day today and barely have had any sleep. It's hitting 12 am but she won't be done til around 2. But maybe if I take a Power Nap?


What if I over sleep? Then she'll get mad. I won't know if she's safe.

Should I make coffee? But if I do I'll be up all night and really be exhausted the next day..

I don't know. I'm trying to stay up though.

While waiting, I prepared clothes for her if she decided to change when she gets home, water, anything she needed.

Then later she calls me around 1:30

"Hiii" she says.

"Hi! Are you having fun?" I asked.

"Mhmm" she hums. Drunk.

"Want me to pick you up now?"

"Can you?"

"Yes. I'll head over there right now. Drink some water please" I tell her.

"I have a water bottle with me right now. I'm with Frank. He's taking care of me" she says.

"Oh good. I'll be there in a bit. Are you hungry?"

"A liiiiiittle"

"Okay haha we can grab some food"


"I'll text you when I'm there"

"No! Stay on the phone with meee"

"Oh yeah! Sure!" I said.

So I started to drive to the location she was at. She was just talking to me as she's drunk. But thankfully Frank is there with her. I haven't seen him in a while so I know he's going to give me some happy looks knowing me and Jennifer are back talking again.

"Baby.." I hear Jennifer say. I didn't respond cause I didn't know if that was for me.

"Babe" she says again.

"Who are you talking to?"


"Oh. Yes?"

"I miss you, hurry up"

"I'm coming! I'm coming" I tell her.

"Mmmmm yummy" she says cutely.

I roll my eyes and shook my head.
"Let's not" I said.

"What? You said it"

I kept quiet and kept driving. As I'm driving I just hear her cute little drunk comments. I'm replying to some but I don't want her to get embarrassed of the stuff she says out loud in public and to me. I mean I don't care what she says but she'll regret it when she hears it the next day.

Once I finally got there, Frank brought her to my car. He opens the door for her and she sees me and smiles widely.

She climbs in and immediately gives me a hug.

"Hiii!" I tell her and hug her back and look at Frank. "Thank you so much for taking care of her" I tell him. "Anytime! We had so much fun. I'll text you!"

"Okay sounds good! Bye!"

"Bye Leah. Bye Jennifer"

"Byeeeee!" Jennifer yells out but still hugging me. Then he closes the door. I locked my doors for safety incase someone decided to hop in. Then she pulls back and gives me an unexpected kiss. Sloppy of course.

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