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Jens pov

Last night.. was something. We had angry sex. Well..I didn't even give her any. She gave me that angry sex. I liked it. I loved it. It was amazing. But I am getting emotional every day on this whole thing. That last night kind of fucked me over cause now we're not even talking. Her friend took her to the airport. I have Leah's location so I know where she's at and when she leaves. I'm literally so sore too from what she did to me. But it was fun. I don't like this toxicness we're dealing with right now though. I just have to figure this shit out. I have a bad feeling but I don't know what that feeling is. How can we even plan our wedding when we keep fighting more and more?

Later on in the week

I'm out with Tyler and some of our friends drinking at a club. Which club? My old strip club. It was a last minute thing. He knew I needed to go out. I've been so busy. Plus the girl we met at the bar was there and she offered us a free table and bottle service. I'm sure I would've gotten some free shit because this used to be my club but she was so nice for it.

What's crazy is that me and Leah haven't spoken since she was out here in la. It's that bad.

The girls brought us shots once again. This one was a more pineapple flavored one. It tasted pretty good.

"Cheers!" Tyler says. So we all clinked our cups and took the shot.

"Can we get a picture?" That girl asks me and Tyler. "Of course hun!" I said. So we all came close and posed for the picture.

"Thank you! Let's take a shot together?" She asks. "I just took one! Ahh!" I said and giggled. "Come on. I'll get you one that's not too bad" she insists. I look at Tyler and he hints me to do it. So I agreed and we went to the bar.

"For the queen Jennifer" she tells the bartender. "Oh hey!" He says and recognizes me. I remember him too. "Hey Heyy" I said happily. He makes the shot for us. I faced her and we clinked our cups. Then took the shot.

"Oh..not bad!" I said. "See!" She says and nudges me. "I guess I shouldn't doubt you. You know your drinks" I said. "Exactly" she winks. I giggled and looked around. "This place hasn't changed. It's a little updated but I love how it's not too much of an update" I said.

"Yeah. Just more high tech stuff but that's it." She says. "I see it's getting even more busy here. Whose the new stripper queen who took over?" I giggle. "Hahaha. This girl named Crystal. She's been here, I've heard while you were still here though!"

"Oh- yeah her. Yeah she was my partner in crime at this place"

"No way. Wow. I wish I got to see you two together" she says. I give her this look. "Together?" I ask. "I mean like you guys are both so hot. There's no videos of you two stripping together?"

"We have some together and also like promotion videos to spice up the vibes and lure people here. But I don't have them anymore. You'd have to ask around for it. I'm sure it's somewhere floating on peoples phones. Haha"

"Oh I see. Do you still keep in touch with her? Or only worked with her?"

At this point she was just bringing back the memories of me being a damn whore. Fucking all the girls but having so many issues with crystal. Such a mess. Then I remembered that Leah and I still haven't talked. I'm pretty tipsy but thinking of her is kind of pissing me off.

"Me and her used to fuck all the time" I straight up said. "Oh?"

"This was before a met Leah though. Then I completely cut off crystal when I met Leah. I was crystals rebound. So I haven't seen her since"

"She's actually here right now!" She says and widened her eyes at me. "Ugh. I don't wanna see her"

"Damn you really are gay"

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