Need to fix

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Jen's pov

Am I a bad person? Maybe. But so is Leah. That picture I sent her the other night got her so pissed. She was spam calling my phone all night but I was a little busy doing you know what.and I haven't responded to her ever since. It's been two days. And yes, I do over think. Even more now that I haven't told Tyler anything. He just knows we enjoyed the Miami trip together and thinks we're okay and working on us. But it's the total opposite.

I am still planning to move to New York. Now that I'm more free, I want to take this opportunity to explore more and do something crazy like move away from home. I'm sure it'll help me and Leah see each other a lot more too. Even though I just pissed her off.

Fast forward to another month. I'm flying out to New York for a week and Tyler came with me. He's joining me to tour some apartments out there. Leah's picking us up from the airport once we arrive. And I know, surprisingly Leah agreed to pick us up. We talk here and there but there's obvious anger between the both of us. She was pissed that one night.

When we landed and headed outside to find Leah, I saw her parked with her window down and she was looking at her phone as she's sitting in the car.

"You know that's dangerous if you're not paying attention who comes up to your car with the window down like that" I said to her as I lean against the car peaking my head through the opened window. She looks at me and shakes her head. Then she opens the trunk and me and Tyler put our stuff in there.

I came back up and sat at the front passenger seat while Tyler sat in the back.

"Thank you for getting us"

"Yeah yeah" Leah says. I side eye her then look back at Tyler and smile.

"Thank you babe" Tyler says to her. "Of course!" She says to him. I look back at Leah and she gave me a fake smile.

She starts driving and brought us to our hotel. We had no plans with her this week and Tyler is surprised that we don't but I know he wants to go out with Leah at least once this week. He still doesn't know what's going on between us.

She helped us bring our stuff to our floor at least.

"Jennifer's extra ass decided to bring two luggages" Tyler says.

"We're here for a week!"

"Too look for your apartment!"

"We have plans too Ty"

"We aren't even going out with Leah. How can you possibly have this much stuff"

"It's my jackets! They take up space"

"You could've borrowed some of hers" he says. I look at Leah as we're in our hotel room. "None of her jackets would've matched my fits"

"What're you talking about? You guys have similar styles"

"Yeah Jennifer" Leah says. I roll my eyes at her and look away from her.

"Whatever" I said and walked away to put my luggage at a good spot by the bed I'm going to be sleeping on. Then I walked back by the door to grab my purse that was on the floor since my hands were full. I walked past Leah again and felt a slap on my ass. I stopped walking and I looked back at her.

"What?" She asks me. I'm kind of surprised she did that. Considering I know she hates me right now after that night with Maya.

I squint my eyes and walk away.

"Jen I wanna check this place out when we're free. I mean you don't have to come but I'm just letting you know I wanna go this week" he says and shows me his phone.

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