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Leahs POV

This whole time being in Miami with Jennifer has been great. I didn't want it to come to an end but it was. Spending days alone just with her made me miss her so much. What we had before. Like, waking up and knowing she was right next to me got me excited every morning. Also, us getting ready together and looking so good and going to these nice ass places reminded me more of what we had and how much fun it is just spending time together. I missed it all.

We're heading back home, well to New York. Shes staying a night at my place. Then she's leaving the next morning.

The airport was pretty packed today weirdly. We would have to shimmy through people at times just to get to where we needed to get. At times I'd reach out for Jen's hand just to make sure I don't lose her. But now we're sitting, waiting to board our plane.

"Want a snack?" She asks me. "Sure. We're are you going?"

"Right here at that little store. What do you want?"

"Chips and a water please"

"Gotchu" she says and stands up. She looks around the area. As she does that I looked at her ass. She's wearing flared leggings and I love how they look on her. Then she started to walk away and I just watched her the whole time. It was cute. She almost ran into someone too.

Once she came back, she handed me my stuff. Then she sat down next to me and we ate our snacks.

"Pricey ass snacks!"

"I know. How much? I'll send"

"No you're okay! I'm just surprised. But don't send me anything. I'm staying at your place for a night so I owe you"

"You don't owe me anything" I said. She kept looking at me as she takes a bite of her chip then eyes me for a second. So fast, if I blinked, I wouldn't catch it.

"Mm" she hums. "What?" I ask. "When are you picking up your child?" She says.

"When we get home. I'm getting her. You're coming with"

Jen gaps and takes another bite of a chip.

"She misses you I'm sure"

"I miss my little baby"

"She's your child too" I tell her. She raises her brows. "What? Of course she's my child"

"Mhm. But never got child support from you" I joked. She leans on her elbow onto my arm rest close up to me and still looked at me. "You never asked" she says. "I need to ask? She's your child"

"Yours too. You should've" she says. I start smiling. "Well..give me some child support."

"I'll order you as many diapers as you need hun" she tells me. I start giggling and so does she. "More than that"

"I can't be your sugar mami" she tells me. I licked my lips while still looking at her and she's still close up to me. "No sugar?" I ask her. "No sugar..yet" she says and smirks.

"The old you would've given me all the sugar" I said. "I mean..that was back then" she says and touches my hair.

"And now?"

She shrugs and doesn't answer and continues playing with my hair and looked at my hair instead.

"So soft" she says.

I didn't respond now and watched her play with it. And my mind just wandered off out of nowhere. Thinking about her even though she's right here by me. How touchy we used to be. Cuddly even though she hated it. And the sex we'd have. When I'd have her pinned down and I took over, or whenever she'd be doing her thing to me. Now it's a waiting game. Is trying to figure us out. And the tension in the air was wild in Miami. We literally didn't have sex but the flirting was beyond.. we're both strong for that.


We finally got home to my place earlier and picked up Mimi. Now we're here eating dinner from Chick fila. Just a quick early dinner.

"So when I drop you off tomorrow, you're flying home then driving straight to San Diego?"

"Yeah.." she sighs. "You're going to be so tired"

"I know. Do I look tired already?" She asks. "No. You look beautiful. As always."

She presses her lips. "You always make me feel so confident about myself"

"Good. You should be. You're everything a girl wants to look like"

"Thanks Lee" she says.

We continued to eat and chatted a bit more before heading to bed.

Then when we got under the sheets, I went on my phone while Jen was watching tv, laying on her side facing me. But then I noticed her begin to wrap her arm around me and scooted in closer. I let her. I didn't react though.

"I guess it's good not working every day. I am free all week so I won't be too tired coming back from San Diego after. I'm just staying one night" she tells me. I look at her and she looks up at me with that pretty bare face. "Tell me how it goes. Grab a coffee on your way there"

"I will. I'm hoping it's not traffic"

"If you get bored on the drive, call me. I'll talk to you"

"Really?" She asks softly.

"Of course" I said. She pouts and stares. I smiled and put my phone down on my stomach on top of the sheets and then cupped her face.

"You'll get bored" she tells me. "Why would I get bored of you silly"

"True" she says. I giggled. "I wouldn't mind listening to your voice for another day" I said. "'ll just hear my road rage"

"Just don't get into any trouble"

"I know..I'll be nice. Just for you"

"That's right" I said softly. She smiles with her pretty teeth showing.

"That smile will have me fall all over for you"

"My smile?"


"You're too nice" she says.

"You're too beautiful"

She blushes. Then she leans in and ends up kissing me softly for a few seconds. Then I felt her leg wrap around me a bit and she kept kissing. I let her and I was kissing back. Not forcing anything. But I can totally tell by her body language what was going on.

"Jennifer...we can't" I whispered.

"He said in Miami..never said anything about us in New York"

I giggled and pushed her hair behind her ears. "Are you sure?" I ask her. She bites her lips and looks away for a second. Then she looks at me again. "I need it" she says. How can I say no?

"Just...make sure you wake up on time tomorrow. I know it's hard waking up the next day after.."

"That's cause you do it right" she says.

"I just have a little obsession seeing you cum"

" me cum" she tells me. I smile softly and kissed her again..and again...

And yeah... we finally did it. After months being broken up.

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