Things change

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Leahs pov

It's the last day. Me and Jennifer are going back home first thing in the morning. We spent the whole day just eating again and being a tourist. And we ended the night off at the Eiffel Tower. We got there around sunset so we got a nice view while it was light out but also we got to take some good pictures. Then it became dark and we took more. To be honest it had me in my feels. It was so beautiful with all the lights sparkling and Jennifer looked so beautiful. She was so amazed and happy seeing the sparkly lights. It was cute seeing her so happy.

"Wow I love it here" she says.

"It's beautiful" I said. She was being a little more cold with me because I know she was sad our week was ending out here. I'm trying to distance myself from her in a way while we're still stuck together. The only time we had sex was the first day we fought. I honestly thought we would do it more but I guess not. This is really it.

"Thank you for coming out here with me for this opportunity. I know you were apart of the job to be out here but you've supported me the whole time and I really appreciate it Lee. Although our trip started off bad, I'm glad I spent it with you. I didn't think it would go this way but after everything I still enjoyed what I could enjoy. I wish things weren't so bad between us so I could enjoy it more with you. But life goes on.." she shrugs.

"I wouldn't have wanted to spend my time here with anyone but you" I said. She tilts her head and pulls me by the waist towards her. "And that's all I ever wanted. Go on trips with you"

"We can go on trips together"

"Stop" she giggles.

"But seriously.. let's take a break. Maybe we will fix it..maybe something will happen that makes us get back together. Or maybe it's meant to be that we shouldn't be together. But right now we need this time apart. I know we have already been apart but as a couple. We need time for ourselves like we did back before we got together. I'll always love you no matter what" I said and cupped her face.

"This doesn't feel real" she says softly. "I love you.." she continued

We continued looking at each other. But then she looked away and sniffled and let's go of me.

I looked down at my fingers and touched the ring she gave me when she proposed. She notices and looks down at it too. I slipped it off my finger and handed it to her. She looks at me again and her eyes gets really watery. I started tearing a bit too once she opened her hand to hold it.

And the night ended. More on the quiet side. Barely speaking to each other. Usually leaving from such a beautiful place like this ends off happily. This one didn't.

And just like that..we broke up.

Jens pov

It's been weeks since fashion week. Meaning it's been weeks since I have seen Leah. We both ended up just mailing each others stuff back. She still has my car out there but it's basically hers.

How am I? Confused, lost. But I'm going. I know I'm strong. It's just me overthinking about life with Leah. The last fight we had. The abuse we did towards each other. I find that so crazy. She knows I've punched people but never would we both have thought I would slap her. My own..ex.. fiancé. I deserved the slap she gave me after. I feel like I deserved the breakup agreement from her end even though I didn't mean for us to actually break up. I just basically wanted to scare her since we were fighting. But I didn't think she'd turn the tables and say we should break up. And it happened so easily. The first time we broke up the same thing happened. Leah left so easily. I don't know what it is. Is it her running away from her problems? She seems to handle it well but maybe that's cause she's hiding her real feelings when we break up. I forgot in that moment how tough and serious Leah can be. Of course, I really miss her. It's hard not texting her but I've been doing good not texting her aside from letting her know when her things were going to arrive out to her home and same with my stuff. I haven't called her and she hasn't called me either. She's basically in her own world now out there. No friends or family. The only friends she has are her coworkers like destiny and such. Then the many people she meets at events.

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