Missing her

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Leahs POV

It's a new day. I'm out with Des having brunch. I haven't had brunch with someone other than Jen in so long. But me and Des have gotten closer than just working together which I find cool. Since we don't only stay in the office working, we work outside the office with events and such.

"Wait how long have you lived in New York?" I asked her. "4 years! I love it here. I know one day I'll move eventually but right now I still love it here."

"Oh where would you move?"

"California actually!"

"What really? I mean it's a really great state. Just super packed. But I do love it. I can't pick between New York and California because I love them both"

"Yeah it's so beautiful there. Just living by the beach seems amazing. So much to do out there too."

"There is a lot. Me and my fiancé would go out a lot just spending time together and we never run out of things to do." I said

"That's cute! See that's what I want. I mean I dated a guy for 2 years out here and we did a lot but like that was New York style. I want that California style hahaha"

"It's perfect" I say and stopped at that cause I started thinking about Jennifer. I've been doing better about not randomly day dreaming about her and being in my feels especially in public with friends. But right now I just thought of her and I feel like she's thinking about me. I mean she always does but like literally I feel her.

So I texted her.

"How are you baby?"

I sent the message and put my phone down and continued talking with Des. She's a really conversational person but it's really fun. I'm really glad I met her.

Later I get home and went to go shower. After showering, I check my phone and see that I finally got a text from Jen.

"Good. How are you? I miss you"

"I miss you. That's how I'm doing"

"Am I seeing you soon?" She responds.

"I do wanna see you soon.."

"Yeah. It's been a while."

"I'm sorry. Next weekend. I'll book a flight. It looks like I'm free that weekend surprisingly."

"Okay. But I have a baby shower to go to. Lash appointment that same morning also."

"Fun. I'll be there with you🤍"


Our texts have been so off the vibe as time goes on and I hate it. But I know when we see each other things will fall back into place.

Me and Des spent the rest of the day together. We have went to a few shops around the neighborhood while our mimosas were wearing off since we got a little tipsy. She also takes a lot of candid pictures of me and I love them. It's giving the aesthetic I have always wanted to live in. Then we ended off with a dessert before heading home.

Later at night I opened a few packages I received from some events that I participate in. Similar to Jen, she gets PR packages. The events I go to they just send me stuff in gratitude of me working with them.

I received some bathing suits that I'm about to try on, jeans from this other company that my job worked with, a pair or heels and a cute tote bag.

"Hi gorgeous" I said as I answered Jen's FaceTime call.

"Hiii" Jennifer says so calmly.

"You okay?"

"Yeah" she says softly and forced a smile while just looking at me through her phone.

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