The Limit

14 1 0



As Anata was beginning to wake up she noticed The Cafe peeking out the side of one of Cinder's doors. Perhaps it was curious, but it brought more questions along with it.

Is it a god?

Why does it only appear in dreams, and could Cinder and Kasiis see it?

She woke up in her familiar room filled with her dream filled endeavours along with her mission for today. to visit Hikari, and inquire about the weird floating tree that she dreamed about. it was still early so she decided to go for a walk. putting on her coziest outfit consisting of worn boots, a white cotton dress with purple accents she got for her 14th birthday, and a trusty frying pan. Anata learned easily that conventional weapons usually get pulled when someone sticks one up, so she devises a self defense plan to always carry a frying pan with her. 

Guards, and thieves alike search for swords and daggers, but they always discount the frying pan as a simple cooking utensil until they get potential brain damage or a concussion.

As the purple clad girl walked down the street, her hair in a ponytail, she noticed the quiet blowing of the 5am winds. the fury of hard labor and men fixing roofs and repairing equipment in their smithy's. Kids ran rampant around playing hide and seek. Not watching where she was going, Anata thought "A bit early  but it's turning out well tod- OOF" something ran into Anata She caught herself and went to check up on the kid. "Hey, you okay?" Anata inquired as she knelt down in front of and got a better look at the kid. 

The kid wore tattered clothing and looked dirty. it seemed the kid was a beggar, spots of dirt and messy hair was noticeable on them, despite the long blond dirty hair, they looked genderless.

"I'm fine" the child's hand swats Anata's inviting hand away "i don't need your charity!'' A few seconds later Anata stood back up and was dumbfounded. Anata would think she's a nice person, moreover she found no need to be rich, given how she was raised with practically nothing. She could just go off the grid and live completely isolated in the starfell forests if she wanted to. But she hates being alone so she shrugs it off. "Oh well i tried" she says to herself and continues walking down the path, the early spring warmth puts her in a state of euphoria as the sun rises whilst she walks down the path, she loved the bright colors; the wildlife and insects that come out during spring and summer, she was a true purveyor of summer. Anata walked with her head up high and hummed some a calming melody.

It was a strange melody that her caretaker Ms. Sunatra would hum and she found it strangely calming despite her never managing to ask her where that melody came from. 

Hours later and 3 miles down the road until she reaches her destination, Anata decides to give her new powers a bit of a spin. She experimented by wondering if she can remove her own gravity. it's rather flabbergasting how she never tested this out herself She stretched for a bit and activated her power, her eyes glowed a light purple and she applied the principles that she remembered to herself and briefly thought on how she can go about this.

she pondered and experimented until she came upon a realization. What if she thought of herself as a star?

with the way she used to experiment she imposed the gravity field onto other objects rather than on herself.  So she stood back and closed her eyes and thought while concentrating on the feeling of her power coursing around her. "I am the center of everything that happens to me" she uttered as she summoned a field of her gravity around her and rose up in the air. her inexperience made her not able to move while under that effect but that's alright she'll master it one day

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