The Dream

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Over the course of 9 years, The Child.. no. Anata grew a bit but stopped oddly around the coming of her 14th birthday and has not grown an inch taller ever since. Now she stands at a staggering 4'11" much to her dismay, everyday tasks are harder for her like searching high shelves, carrying stuff, and more.

Anata opened the door and walked in. She turned on the light and glanced around the room. It was adorned in old Kitsune paraphernalia from books to papyrus pages on magic. The walls were painted purple, obviously her doing given her need to color everything she owns a variation of purple. The Purple Clad lady flopped down on her bed and began recounting her day. "Ughhh" she groaned, "Suna is a through and through slave driver... Why did she have so many boxes in the basement? what was in there anyways"? The thought quickly discarded itself before it could grow, Anata rolled over on her side and glanced at the picture on her nightstand. it was almost in pristine condition but it was starting to bleach from the sun.

it carried a memory, one she'd cherish forever til the day she would be forgotten. She and her childhood friend Hikari, who was a type of angel that fell from the sky after suffering a wing injury while flying one day. and a street urchin that was also a kitsune named Skye. Together for months that they were at the orphanage days were pure bliss, getting into all sorts of shenanigans as well as playing games outside even terrorizing the traveling merchants much to the chagrin of their caretaker Mrs. Sunatra.

Sadly it all came to an end, when Hikari's mother came to retrieve her, as well as Skye getting adopted a week later by a buxom lady with golden hair and blue streaks running through it also. Anata could feel it running through her, there was more to her she was a kitsune too... very powerful in fact. no matter how well you can hide your tail one can always tell another apart by just a glance

Anata tossed and turned in bed, debating whether to climb on the roof and stargaze for an hour or two or stay put and sleep. She ultimately chose the latter and tiredly drifted off still wearing her overgrown knit sweater with the window open and a gentle breeze welcoming itself in

In her dreams..

The fox girl appeared in the middle of what seemed to be a back room of the prison she was born in wearing the same tattered white garb they gave to all the prisoners at Serendipity Inc. the prison that held and killed all of them, the familiar feeling of the cold stone flooring and monotone gray color scheme sent shivers down her spine and instinctively caused her ears to droop. She was back in the Underground again. "Please be a dream please be a dream please be a dream" she repeatedly thought to herself, Though scared; she pressed forward, Along the way occasionally stopped to reminisce and remember the way out.

As she continued through the halls she could hear the still screams of her kin as they ran down the halls away from the faceless guards and pleaded for their lives before getting their tails cut off and dragged back to the operating chair by the guards to continue the Expunge Process.

Anata rounds a corner and recognizes where she is. She couldn't wait to get out of there. Anata is sick of this place already, this.. Prison; she yearns for freedom. She saw the entryway as she rounded the corner and a flight of stairs. it seemed like the steampunk machinery was working, the facility didn't explode but still was empty, the silent hum of machinery still rang true in her vulpine ears. Anata reaches the stairs and starts climbing them on all fours, she doesn't need to climb them with her hands and feet. But she likes to think it helps, and morale is needed when your in a prison like this. The Kitsune reaches the top of the stairs and glances around, a sight she sees makes her almost soil herself, sitting upon a throne of skeletons sat a man of prosperity, adorned in a lab coat with covered in old blood, his dirty blonde hair disheveled and blood red eyes. He spots Anata and gets off the throne, it dissipates and dissolves. "Ah, #8000. It's so good to see you again; how have you fared, all these years?" his silky voice rings out in the empty entryway giving her goosebumps and causing her brain to go into fight or flight mode. "Should I run she thought to herself" She made a mental note that everyone who tried to run didn't make it and was 'de-tailed. The homunculi are very efficient at their jobs, despite having no face, they see everything, and they're made not of metal but of organic flesh, like a homunculus but 1.5 meters tall and simultaneously agile and strong.

Fateful Slumbersजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें