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The child so malnourished and worn, woke up in her kennel to the sounds of silence, it was... unnatural for her broad vulpine ears normally she could detect the silent hum of the steampunk machinery, but it felt dead; like she was forgotten about. she fumbled about in the claustrophobic instrument looking for a way out, the cage was outfitted with a padlock and chain and looked rusted from what she sees in the starkness of night. the room around was grimy and looked unhealthy, old blood splotches and streaks on the floors that looked like it could've been there for months. 

the child assesses the surroundings and sees that she's on the bottom of a pyramid of cages so rightfully so shaking until it falls is out of the question lest all the cages collapse on top of her. she sees that the hinges on her kennel were rusty however. Feeling the cusp of claustrophobia taking hold she started shaking  the kennel door and kicking at it.

The young girls hard work bore fruit when one of the hinges broke out of place. her eyes lit up with hope of escaping this prison that she only knew and with one final kick, she was free from the cage. she crawled out the broken kennel her legs aching, and finally stood upright.. she was rather short for the tender age of 8 coming up to around 3'6" inches. The Child stretches her body out after such an egregious nap and lesson on the dangers of tight spaces. her small tail swishes for a few seconds before calming down as she opens the door to the outside of the room holding the kennels.

outside the room housed more trash, and less blood that littered the halls with occasional rat scuttering about, much like the room before it. it was a pigsty. but this didn't bother the child, for she was about to taste the freedom some would desire to have for eons of enslavement. as she was walking she began to hear many sounds coming ahead of the winding corridors and grime covered walls, the sounds of fires blazing and grunts as well as metal scraping together. hearing these sounds made her scared her ears to lower as she slowly walked towards the sounds. 

the child came upon a broken box that was on fire, letting her know she's close but still, she's scared of what's to come. as she approached the final door, where the supposed main entrance to the prison infrastructure lay, she pushed the door but it didn't budge. so she found her own way through using a broken wall in another room that was filled with  bibles of all assortments of topics.

in the main entrance which was large and fraught with indescribable materials of all shapes and sizes as well as steampunk machinery. but the main look of interest was 2 men fighting with a faceless agile being taking apparent potshots at one of them she recognized one of the men and it made her paralyzed from fear. it was him... Dr. Saul, "The Uncapped Greed of Man" and his cocky calculating smirk. he and his dirty blonde hair and genocidal red eyes have slaughtered and harvested the organs of more of her kind than she had fingers and toes and that made her feel true genuine fear.

as the child watched in horror at the 3 locked in a battle she couldn't help but hope the nameless man wins, so that she can be free and never have to worry ever again. the man was mysterious, wearing a beige tunic a pair of boots and pants but hooked on his belt was a strange pitch mask that contorted and writhed as if it lived, and a weird curved blade with a ring at the pommel. but he fought with ferocity like a cornered jaguar protecting its cubs, every step he took was calculated by being filled with rage. the Mysterious man cooked up a punch and managed to connect with its target that was the doctors' face. as he recoiled in agony and screamed "you BITCH! YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS!" as the homunculus came from behind with a wild haymaker.

the man foresaw this and spun around caught the haymaker and unhooked the blade. it was shiny and silver but it was staining red as the man started carving the homunculus by targeting key tendons and stabs under the homunculus' armpit disabling it temporarily. Dr Saul prepares to summon another homunculus but the planting the seed was stopped when he realizes he's on cobblestone flooring and not his personal garden. he reels up and prepares to cast a fireball from his index ring but it malfunctions due to an outside source. the doctor panics as he tries to figure out why his fireball didn't work when the man takes his shirt off. revealing a set of glyphs on his back and they disappear one by one with every failure to cast.

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