★: 10

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Chapter's goal
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Third person

"Quit playing around, Minho!"

Hyunjin took up his hand, folding it into a fist and then punched the leg that was all bandage up. Minho yelped out of surprise, instantaneously pulling his leg away from where the younger stood. He paused upon realizing his action, now glaring at Hyunjin who had a bored look on his face.

"Why the fuck would you do that?"

"I know you're not injured or anything."

"Well, no fucking shit," Minho huffed, an eye roll followed suit. He leaned back on his bed, crashing on the pile of pillows behind him, his scowl never leaving. "Why are you here? Where's Jiyun?"

Hyunjin shook his head, sighing. "Why I'm here is not important and I don't know where Yunnie might be," Upon hearing the ravenette's words Minho relaxed even more, now smiling a bit. "-I can't believe you lied to Jisung."

"I didn't lie to him. He just so happened to see me and then blabbed to you, even when I asked him not to," Minho scoffed, crossing his arms as he looked away from Hyunjin. "I'm fine, you may leave now."

Hyunjin shrugged, turning to the door. It was awkward being with Minho alone in his room, he wanted to leave anyway.

As the ravenette got closer to the door, he couldn't help but ask. "Why are you pretending?" he paused, looking back into the dimly lit room, that had Minho's stuff littering around. It has always been like this, and no matter how Hyunjin pleaded with him to put somethings in order, he would say it was an 'organized chaos' and that he had no problem sorting out what he wanted- it was a long time ago, when they were still friends but he hadn't changed one bit.

"No reason," Minho wasn't being truthful, sadly, Hyunjin couldn't tell. "I don't feel like going to school for a while so bam! Ankle problem," that wasn't his reason but it fits so well he had to tell it. The brunette shook his leg, grinning maddeningly. "Now my dad won't be all up in my business."

"Doctor's report."

"Huh?" Minho mused, indeed very perplexed.

"He'll seek a medical report," Hyunjin put out.

The older scoffed. "Unlike your skeptical parents, mine won't care," Minho picked up a pillow, aiming it at his counterpart. "Now get the fuck out."

Hyunjin flinched when Minho threw the pillow at him, his yell making the brunette to chuckle. "I was about to!"

Minho watched as Hyunjin glared at him, he was about to leave when the older asked. "Is Jiyun alright? Did anything happen to her again?"

The ravenette stopped on his tracks. "She's just weirder than usual, that's all," he shrugged. "I don't like it."

"I don't like you either!"

"Quit it, Minho. Jiyun is obviously going through something, and if you weren't being such a jerk, maybe she might have told us!"

Minho hopped out his bed, limping towards where the now intimidated Hyunjin stood. The poorly worn cast restricted his ability to move properly but he had no time to take it off. "I'm the jerk? Well excuse me. I'm sorry, who was the person who let jealousy get the best of him?" Minho prodded, conceding silence from the younger. "That's right, it was you," he violently poked Hyunjin's chest with both fingers, causing him stagger. "You started this, you ruined us, so don't you call me a jerk, cause you're a whole fucking dick!" he shoved the taller backwards.

Hyunjin bit his bottom lip in annoyance. In a way Minho was right, that's exactly the thoughts that muddled him. Was he really the cause of Jiyun's sadness? The ravenette shouldered his bag properly, running his fingers through his hair.

He gave Minho a quick glance before storming off. "Fuck you!"

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Last chapter's answer; kakapo

Which colours do colorblind people have problem distinguishing?

Anyways hi, how are you?
As always Lee (> •-•)> will be taking your votes and comments


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