★: 04

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Chapter's goal
5 votes 🙏

Third person pov

"Hi Yunnie, how are you feeling?"

Jiyun froze. She didn't expect to see the taller here so early in the morning and frankly, she wasn't prepared to see neither him nor Minho. She had managed to shrug off yesterday's incident with a little white lie that she was stressed. It wasn't all that wrong, the ravenette has been working extra time lately and barely had time to rest.

"Hyunjin? Um... I'm feeling okay," She retorted, feeling a bit nervous.

"That's great. You sure you wanna go to school today? Rest is important, you know?" Hyunjin raved, smiling at the younger. He had showed up early at her home, so they would walk to school together. Jiyun nodded, listening attentively as he went on about rest and how he had spent all night searching the benefits and down sides of missing it. "...also, I got you this," The black haired shoved his hand into his pocket and fished out a single daisy.

Jiyun looked at the flower and then averted her gaze to the smiling latter.

"Its a get well soon flower and also your favourite!" he explained, properly placing the pretty white flower behind her ear.

"Thank you so much, Jinnie!" Jiyun buzzed with excitement, a sense of dread faltering for a bit, but it quickly returned. They needed to get out of here immediately. If her aunt caught her talking to a boy, I'd bring up another argument. Well, more like her aunt yelling profanities and how useless she is.

"My mum's garden just blossomed and I was out painting. The flowers looked so pretty and vibrant, they made me think of you. . ." The whole walk to school was mostly Hyunjin ranting and Jiyun trying to keep up, also surveying her environment for any sign of her aunt, she went out a while ago and might be heading back home to waste away.

As they got closer to the school's building, Jiyun got more comfortable and would contribute to the conversation greatly, tittering and had a more jolly skip in her steps. "I had this dream where I went bald and you were part unicorn, part oyster!"

"I was what?" Hyunjin stopped abruptly, a vagued look on his face. His perplexed state came crashing down when he couldn't hold back his laugh. "That is crazy!"

"What is?"

Hyunjin and Jiyun both turned to that familiar voice and as per usual the owner had a gleeful grin on his lips, and a spontaneous glint in his eyes. He walked towards them, placing his arm around the shorter's shoulder. "How are you, Ji?" he queried, his tone laced with concern. He lightly tapped her nose twice.

"I'm alive. Does that count?"

"Meh, fifty, fifty!" Minho shrugged, pretending to not be aware of Hyunjin's presence. "I wanted to walk you to school today, you know? To make sure you're save. So I went to your house. I saw your aunt, she was very nice!"

"Why did yo-" Jiyun quickly cut herself off, staring at Minho with wide eyes. Her face went pale and her lips quivered downwards in fright. There was no need for she to snap at Minho, he wasn't aware of anything and only thought he was doing the right thing. "Why did you do that? Its so cute," Jiyun beamed at Minho.

"Pfft, its not!" Minho could feel his cheeks heat up and was afraid that his ears were tinted pink.

"Pfft, it's not!" Hyunjin mimicked Minho's tone under his breath, doing a little mocking expression. "Stupid Hyung!"

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