I Am Venom

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Honey on your lips, but venom in your lungs
I caught your breath, and I got stung
The atoms running through the stream, I'm done
Your poison is as light as air, but weighs a ton
Once in your shadows, I will never see the sun
You ask me questions, but you cut off my tongue

Why call me baby, when you just want me numb
Cold as ice, you drain my blood, I run
I try to flee, but your venom keeps me strung
Along your breath, what have I become

Addict to my death , it turns me on
Hurt me baby, it's all I've left to get on
High on poison, slowly makes me dumb
I lost my track, my life just cracked in dust
Blown up around me, like a chemic bomb
I can't blame you, when all you did was call
You talked that talk and walked that walk
I am just weak and thought I need
What you don't want to give,  but all you did
Was keep me barely hooked up on

You know your game, you're a pro in that
You made me think, I am the one
Now you blame me, for all that has been done
I am the shadow, swallow light, and you just run
Stuck in your stain, my love in vain
I feel like burning inside out
I am venom.
-Gen Y Writer

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