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He sniffed at my scent gland, and a few seconds later, he looked into my eyes. At the back of my mind, I could feel Cassius rolling over on his back, bearing his belly at the alpha.

Cassius wanted to meet his alpha.

“I’m sorry, buddy, I don't trust you enough to not do something in front of these guards.”

Cassius whined, and I ripped my eyes away from Zephyr's or rather his wolf, and his eyes twitched and slowly returned to normal. Zephyr stepped back and cleared his throat.

“Sorry.” he said quietly, and I blushed embarrassingly.

“That's okay.” I said sincerely.

We walked down the hallway, and I remembered Rhys saying Koa was his brother, so I decided to ask Zephyr about it.

“Koa was Rhys’s brother?”

Zephyr looked over at me and gave me a small nod. “Yeah his older brother, after he died, I took care of Rhys until he turned 19 and left the palace to be on his own.” he explained, and I hummed in understanding.

Rhys looked young. They all did, so it was hard to tell how old he actually was off guess.

We came to a stop at my door and I was hit with nostalgia, The memories came back of when we were cuddling and then I was awoken by guards marching into the room and the horrible sight of Mylo in burnt clothing, covered in bruises.

It was almost as traumatizing as the day my parents died.

“What did he mean because I looked like Koa didn’t make me his brother?”

Zephyr cocked a brow, “why were you eavesdropping?” he asked instead of answering, I opened my mouth, but nothing seemed to come out.

Instead of standing and thinking of a lie to tell him, I opened my door and stepped in.

I seriously need to stop opening doors and ending up in random places. I was in the middle of a field, and all that was there was a big willow tree and grass.

“Zephyr!” I shouted, which echoed I tired again and still git no answer.

I looked around frantically. There were no doors, nothing for me to get back home.  I was stuck here.

“So typical of you,” a voice said, and I looked all around me, trying to find the owner. There was no one here aside from me and the stupid tree. A familiar laugh rang through the air, and my ears perked up.

Even if I was blind I could tell who that laugh belonged to. I’ve heard it so much time to not recognize it.


“Long time no see Zuki.” I heard the voice say again, tears spilt from my eyes at the voice of my best friend that I’ve missed so much. But where was she? Was she here?

“Azura, is that really you? Where are you?” I shouted.

“I'm right here, Zuki.” I turned back to the willow tree. There she was, the one person that was left out of my family. I ran towards her and wrapped her in a bone crushing up hug, and she slowly slid her arms around me, embracing me.

“I've missed you so much” I said as I hugged her for dear life. She stroked my hair and rubbed my back.

I never thought I would be able to see her again, I had no clue if Kalex even left her alive after he tried to kill me, but here she was. I pulled away slightly to look at her. She still looked the same, her hair was lighty longer, and her yellow eyes were as bright as ever. Tears ran down her chubby cheeks, and I wiped them away before hugging her again.

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