Chapter 7-

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As America woke up he noticed that he wasn't at his house. Then he remembered that he had slept over at Russia's house. He got up from the bed remembering what happened yesterday. 

He had dozed off while watching the movie and woke up at the end of the movie. He said that he was going to go home but Russia insisted that he stayed at his house for the night. America decided to agree before Russia would cry. I mean by the looks of it he looked like he was gonna cry.

Russia said that he could sleep in his room and that he'd sleep on the couch. They fought over it for a while until they America finally caved and went to Russia's room. He entered the surprisingly warm room. He didn't expect the room to be so warm as the rest of the house was freezing cold.

He was tired so he sat on the edge of the bed and removed his sun glasses. He blinked trying to adjust to the lighting of the room. It was then when he realized that the Russia was also in the room. America jumped a little, 'Damn this bitch is sneaky' America thought as he gave a smile to Russia who was looking for something in the closet. "What 'cha doin Russ?" America said walking towards the tall Russian. "Looking for clothes so you can change." Russia responded while looking at still shuffling clothes. America took a step back covering the slight tint that had appeared on his face, "um... you don't need to um.. do that Russ." America said calming down a bit. 

They argued over it for a bit until Russia threw a bunch of clothes at America and said, "You're gonna wear this and that's final." America stared blankly at Russia puzzled, "Well I'm not gonna listen." America said with a shit-eating grin. "Fine, I give up, you wear it if you want." Russia said sounding pissed as hell. America smiled as Russia left the room. Once again he sat at the edge of the bed. The clothes still in his hands. He didn't want to change into Russia's clothes so he put it on the nearby chair and jumped on to the bed. 

He stayed there for a bit until he got up to properly turn out the lights and get in the bed. He laughed at how stubborn he was as he got out of the bed. He grabbed his sun glasses putting it on top of his head and went out of the room making sure that everything was clean before he left. He might not keep his own room clean but he at least had to make sure no one else knew he was so unorganized. 

When he shut the door behind him he heard Russia yelling at someone, maybe over the phone? America made his way to the living room as the yelling got louder. He then heard the name 'Ukraine'. America had forgotten that the two siblings had, had a horrible fight. Maybe it was best if he waited. So America waited on the last two steps of the stairs until he didn't hear anything. 

America came down the stairs acting like he wasn't eavesdropping Russia's whole fight with Ukraine and smiled. "Hey Russ!" America chirped. Russia was clearly still pissed about the argument but acted like nothing had happened and smiled back at America. "America, are you going to stay for breakfast?" America thought for a while and replied "Sure! Why not?" Russia smiled and  served him a stack of pancakes. Then he got himself a stack and sat down on the other side. 

They took a looong time to finish eating as they were doing more talking than actually talking. After they finished America looked at the time and shouted, "Fuck! I'm late for a meeting, sorry Russ, I'll catch up with you later!" And with that he took his jacket and keys and ran out of the house. 


OMFG KILL ME, Very sorry that this is very short at the same time very off-key from the last chapter, I honestly forgot what I wrote in that chapter .______. So I had to wrap up this chapter as soon as possible. Also very sorry but I might not be able to update you guys with the next chapter till around July bc my examinations are coming up (┬┬﹏┬┬) Until then,   ( ゚д゚)つ Byeeeee

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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