Chapter 3-

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As America walked onto the stage, he was greeted with screaming fans and flashing stage lights. He sung his first few songs and went to relax during the intermission. As he walked back stage and opened the door to his changing room, to quickly switch his clothing he was greeted with a tall figure that made him jump back. 

"Ah! Oh, Hi Russia!" America said with a smile, not questioning about why Russia was  in his room. "Hi...America." Russia said sounding nervous. "Do you have a backstage pass?" America asked walking with Russia back into the changing room. "...yeah." Russia said with a bit of hesitation as he sat down next to the American. "Oh cool! For how long?" America said as he grabbed the card around his neck. Russia's eyes widened and jolted back, but it seemed that he was too late. America looked up in shock. "You've been here since I started my career?" Russia blushed and looked down. 

Just then Fiji came into the room shouting, "America! Your break is about to end, and you didn't change!?" Fiji started throwing some clothes at America not knowing the fact that there was someone else in the room. America changed and ran out of the room leaving Russia in it by himself. He sat there in the pure silence, after a while he stood up and looked around the room. He recognized the clothing of where they wore it. When he heard the show end he left the room without anyone noticing him. 

When America came back he saw a piece of paper on his door, "Got a call, had to go. ~Russia" America smiled at how short and sweet the letter was.  It was a reminder of their unique bond they had as a kid, that extended to their current times. America couldn't help but smile over how straight forward yet kind Russia would be at times.

As America left the building from a private parking lot. As he left the parking lot he was bombarded with fans and he decided to answer some questions before the people on the news spread rumors about him hating his fans or other shit like that. 

"America, is it true that you have had bad relationships in the past?"

"Mr. America, do you really prefer dating boys over girls?"

"Mr. America!" "America!" "Sir! Over here!"

"Okay Okay! No more questions please." America chuckled, smiling and looking at all the flashing lights. "First question. Yes, but that was in High school." Second question, I consider myself bi." America continued answering questions until most of the paparazzi had left.

By the time he had reached home it was already 11:00PM he was tired and sleepy. He got out of the car, thanked his driver and went into his house. He didn't  want to do anything besides sleep. The moment he got home he flumped on to the couch and stayed there for a while. He got a call which made him jump a bit. 'Who the fuck is calling me at this time' America thought to himself. As he checked his phone, he picked it up when he saw it was from his friends Greenland. 

🇺🇸: Hello?

🇬🇱: America!  

🇺🇸: Umm... yeah?

🇬🇱: Can you tell the boss tomorrow that me and Antarctica won't be able to reach the studio tomorrow?

🇺🇸: Sure, but why?

🇬🇱: Antarctica got another heart attack, and this time it was really severe. I'm sorry, but I got to go bye!

America just sat there in shock. He knew that Antarctica was physically weak and would have to constantly end up in the hospital, but they(Antarctica) hadn't had to go to the hospital, besides for check-ups for a while. America decided to not think about it and went to sleep. 

He walked to his room and towards the bathroom. He got ready and changed into some night wear. He set his alarm for 7:00 in the morning and went to sleep. He went to sleep trying not to think about what Greenland had said. 


Okay don't with chapter 3, I'm sorry that it's really short (like me) but school has started and it's really difficult for me to concentrate on this story. So some info on this chapter

Antarctic has a heart disease which cause them to have heart attacks. Antarctica's  pronouns are they/them for anyone who's confused. Yeah that's all .______.                                  ( ゚д゚)つ Bye 

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