Chapter 2-

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As the American looked at his friends from afar he heard a familiar voice from behind him. "Excuse me." The person said as he looked at the male who passed by him he saw a tall man clearly a country with that height. As he stared at the man he noticed that he was walking towards his friend group.

He decided to also go up to see who this mystery guy was. And also to meet up with his friends but... that's beside the point. He strolled over to his friend group which consisted of - China, Russia, India, Japan, Antarctica, the Korean twins and Greenland (don't mind how shitty the order is) He had met most of them at school but he met Antarctica at the hospital. That time America had gotten a seizure and was bedridden, he had got plenty of time to hang out with Antarctica back then, when Antarctica could still talk.

"Heyy!" China shouted from afar, as the group turned to look at the American. That's when he recognized the tall man. It was his closest friend, Russia! They welcomed him with hugs and nods. Japan nearly strangling him to death with her hug. They all went inside and as expected all eyes landed on them. It was always either the fact that they were looking at a country or because they were famous. They all took a seat and started catching up with what happened in the past few years they didn't meet up. 

China, Antarctica and Greenland became actors. America was the type of country with many traits, he was a singer, actor and song writer. Japan became the second most famous fashion designer after France, The Korean twins became singer North Korea being less enthusiastic about... well everything. And lastly Russia became a famous ice skater.

They all sat down and talked about there personal lives, either way it would be useless to be talking about there social life. They had a fun time, but eventually they had to go to meeting/shows or other random things. One thing was for sure, none of them were going to have to go home. While they were talking they also decided to throw a party at the end of the month when they were all free. America wouldn't have to worry about the party for around 2 weeks as it was the middle of the month. 

As they said there good byes they gave each other their old or new numbers. America had to change his phone number several times because he'd accidentally leak out his own number to the public. He eventually gave up and just got a private and public number. He also wasn't in the best relations with Japan after forgetting to put a caller id on her number and talking to her in public for everyone to see her number. 

As America rushed into the car he thought about the cafe. He recalled about his times in his college, he used to work in that specific cafe. He thought on why China could have chosen that specific cafe. He shrugged of the thought and thought about his friends. Japan did a lot of talking. South Korea just added on Japan's topics. North had a private conversation with China as Japan and South cooed over how they looked like a couple, which had really made China blush and North get mad. As he thought about his crushes his mind went towards Russia. The tall Slavic country just took a coffee and didn't talk the whole time. He was tall, strong and handsome. As America thought about Russia he blushed. Realizing what he was thinking he shook his head and diverted his attention to the road. 

Once he reached he had around 20 minutes to relax before he'd be bombarded by fans. He made a story on Instagram showing him in the backstage. Then he checked his messages on WhatsApp, a message from his mother telling him to be safe, a missed call from his friend group of Mexico and Canada, and...

A message from an unknown number? America froze thinking one of his fans had found out his private number. He hesitantly pressed the number and found a message saying. "Hey! This is Russia. Japan gave me this number before leaving something about 'opposites being attracted to each other'? I don't know what she meant by that, but I hope we can reconnect after the past 3 years we haven't talked." America blushed in embarrassment at what Japan said. She had shipped him with many people and he never really cared, but why did he care when he was shipped with Russia.

"America! For god sakes, your on in 30 seconds!" Fiji shouted barging into the room that America was in. "Ah, Shit. Thanks coral!" America shouted as he got up and ran towards the stage. "And NOW!" The host shouted, "Presenting the one, the only UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!" The host said as the crowd went wild and the host let America take the stage.


Sorry for the late story update. I've been busy with school and have a lot to do right now but anyways yeah... that's all. <3

ヾ( ̄▽ ̄) Bye~Bye~

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