Chapter 4-

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As America woke up, he was greeted with the cold floor. Yup, he had fallen to the ground over night. As he got up and dusted himself off, he checked the time and saw it was already 8:00 'o' clock. He jumped up and ran around the house getting his stuff ready. 

By around 8:15 he had left the house, almost forgetting to lock his house door. He runs back locks his door and back to his car. As he stumbles out of the car into the studio, he's greeted with Fiji waiting at the back entrance for America. "O-oh hey Coral..." America said giving a nervous smile. "Yeah, no shit sherlock." Fiji said rolling her eyes. "Likewise Watson." America said giving finger guns towards Fiji as she rolled her eyes and walked inside with her following. 

As he entered the room he was greeted with China greeting him. "Hey man! The director's looking for you just so you know." America forced on a smile knowing that he was going to a buttload of scolding. As he walked into his directors room, he was greeted with his manager shouting on the phone about something not being delivered on time. "Look I'll talk to you later. BYE." As she massaged her temples and looked at the door. 

"America! Sweetie, Darling I'm pretty sure that you know why I called you here." Although she was strict her voice was always so soothing and calming. "Yep." America responded sitting on one of the chairs. "I'm not mad at you but, you never show up on time." America nodded while looking at a message that he got on his phone. 

"AMERICA!" She shouted. "Yes, sorry sorry." America said jolting up a bit.  "Are you okay? Your really distracted and I mean more distracted than usual." She was genuinely concerned for America, she knew how it was difficult for him to concentrate with ADHD. "I'm just worried for Antarctica. That's all." America said with a worried smile. "Antarctica? Is that why both Greenland and Antarctica didn't show up to work today?" She asked. "Yep." America said sounding like himself again.

They talked about America's schedule and when he could show up to work without having to drag himself out of bed. By the end of the conversation America could show up to work by the latest of 9:30AM. As America got out of the room he checked the message he had gotten earlier. He had been added to a group called 'Party stars'. Quite chaotic if he thought to himself, but he saw that Japan had made it. "Of course, this idiot made it. What was I expecting?" Japan had already given everyone nicknames.

Japan set her nickname to vending machine

vending machine set the nickname for US of America to Burger king

vending machine set the nickname for South Korea to K-pop

vending machine set the nickname for North Korea to Chosunin

vending machine set the nickname for Russia to Vodka

vending machine set the nickname for Antarctica to Snow

vending machine set the nickname for Greenland to NOTgreen

vending machine set the nickname for China to covid

America couldn't help but laugh at all the nicknames. Just than China came in and said, "America have you seen the ridiculous names that vending mach- I mean Japan gave us in the chat!?" America smirked and responded, "Yeah, just saw them... Covid." As the two playfully fought and messed around Fiji came in and told them to get ready for the scene. 

As they headed for the stage they got a message in the group chat,

vending machine:  Hey everyone! Who's here?

Burger king: Not me, that's for sure இ௰இ

vending machine: Okay! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

covid: We're actually about to start acting.

Vodka: Who added me to this group?

vending machine: meeeee.

vending machine: BTW does anyone know where  Greenland and Antarctica are?

Burger king: greenland told me that antarctica got a heart attack and has been bed ridden in the hospital again

Vodka: The fact on how you make it sound so normal.

vending machine: Oh No! We should go visit them at the hospital.

Burger king: Sure!

covid: I'm down

Vodka: I'll see, I'm meant to have a performance in the evening.

Burger king replied to covid: The fact that your next to me and your texting is KILLING  me.

covid: It's a fun way to piss you off. 😊 

Burger king: Kay gtg bye!

covid: same

Vodka: Yeah I have to get back to practice.

vending machine: BYE EVERYONE ❤️!!!

America and China went back to acting, Russia went back to his practice and Japan went back to shopping. She was self-employed she could do whatever she wanted whenever she wanted. It was the best part of being the boss of herself. The others who weren't in the conversation were doing there own thing. The Korean twins were practicing and it was pretty obvious where Antarctica and Greenland were. 

As America and China finished there work they started to make there way to the hospital parking lot where the group discussed to meet up.  The Korean twins also decided to visit their sick friend. They all met up with gifts for Antarctica. America bought Antarctica's favorite flowers (blue pearl). Russia bought some scented candles. The Korean twins bought some Herbal Tea. China bought some blankets and Japan bought some cozy clothes that she had made herself. They went to the front desk to find where there friend was...


Sorry I had to end it like that but a cliff hanger is a cliff hanger (~ ̄▽ ̄)~ Anyways I tried and made it longer so I hope you like it O(∩_∩)O

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