Chapter 13 Family History

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They kept shooting at the truck. Suddenly, the door opened and Tony began shotting. I saw Mr Warren scream while laying on the floor, "OH MY GOD! WHAT ARE THOSE NOISES?! ARE THEY GONNA SHOOT ME AGAIN?"

"Wisha, give him an anaesthetic. He's such a pain in the ass!" They sure do have many things in there.
"Alright, bet," Wisha punched Mr Warren's face and knocked him unconscious. THAT IS THEIR ANESTHETIC?!

MJ had his gun in his hand and had grabbed Jerome's collar, "YOU JOINING US OR NOT!"
"I wanna go home!" Jerome cried while Ryan wiped his tears, "Don't cry, Jerome,"
"MJ, I think he's shat his pants," Louise had his back towards me. Did they not know about all the shootings going outside? Maybe he's too used to this, thanks to all the school shootings in American schools.
"HOW DO YOU KNOW?!" MJ yelled.

"Erm, cuz I have a motherfucking nose?!"
"Nah, you nasty,"

"And what's all this noise?" Louise was about to turn back when Tony closed the door, shooting his final shot at my car and breaking my glass. Oh god, Dad is gonna kill me! This is his favourite car! But I continued chasing them and finally, we reached a huge building, where the guards stopped me outside while letting the truck pass.

"Hey, let me pass! My brother is in that van!"
"Ma'am, do you have a pass?" The guard asked me calmly.
"No, but my brother is in that van that just went inside!"
"Mhmm," He nodded, "So, you don't have a pass?"

"Listen, dude," I was beginning to lose sight of the van, "Actually, fuck you,"
I pressed my foot on the gas and just went ahead, breaking the wooden door. The guards ran after me but I was gone before they could reach me. I was going full throttle behind the van, with its bonnets smoking before me. I swear if this car catches fire, I will kill myself.

And it caught fire. Damn, God really wants me to die. But that didn't stop me. The van finally stopped before a huge mansion, and I got down from my car and ran towards the van. The door opened and Mr Warren came out of the van in a wheelchair. A few guards opened the doors of the van and welcomed MJ. MJ wore a green hoodie and held Jerome's hand. That poor kid had peed his pants, shat in them according to Louise and his face was red and wet with tears and sweat.

Man, if there was any other fluid left in the human body, I'm pretty sure he'd release that too. Poor kid. Wait, but he wasn't bleeding. Then, he fell and scraped his knee. He began bleeding. Man, I should shut up. I'm making everyone's life harder.

Finally, I reached them, "MJ!"

Louise turned and looked at me, "Sis! How did you get here?"
MJ turned towards me and looked terrified. He pushed Jerome away, "Ryan, do I smell like shit?"
"Let me check," Ryan sniffed him, "No, not really,"

MJ fixed his hair with his hands while Tony brought a mirror in front of him, "Hi, Zalia,"
"What are you doing?"
"Oh, we were just going to practice at my place. You know, the band. Jerome agreed,"
I looked at Jerome, he was a mess, "Jerome, are you sure you want to be in his band?"

"Yes, MJ helped me,"
"No, he didn't. Come, I'll take you home,"
"No, ma'am, I'll be fine," He said.
"No, you're not," I gave a dirty look to MJ, "MJ, this is terrible! I never thought you'd be such a bully!"
"But I'm not. I just-"

"You beat him up!"
"I didn't! He beat me up too!"
"I thought you cared for Louise...And you were against bullying others. But you're just like Henry! Go to hell! I hate you!"


"Louise, come, we're going home. Ralf, you too,"
Louise turned and looked at MJ, he shrugged his shoulder and walked behind me. Ryan looked at MJ, "I'm sorry, MJ," He walked behind Louise and got inside the car.

I took Jerome with me. Man, he really did smell like shit. And my car caught fire.
"Well, guess we're gonna walk"
We all walked towards the gate. The guards came to get me but the stopped after looking at MJ. I didn't turn back and look at MJ. I hated him.
"Shut up, Louise. I'm so annoyed right now, you better not say anything to me. And from now on, no hanging out with MJ, you hear me?"

I was painting my nails in my room that evening. Louise knocked at my door and came inside, "Louise, what's wrong?"
"You need to know something,"
"If it's about MJ, I don't want to talk about it,"

"He saved Jerome." Louise told me and I was shocked.
"What do you mean?"
"When all those scary men began shooting at us. MJ told us that it was just a stupid safety drill. But I knew he was lying. And he was pretty scared too. So, I decided not to panic. MJ covered us the whole time, and ended up getting shot in his arm."

Oh, so that's why he wore that hoodie on top!

"He saved us...Above his own life. I just wanted to say that...What happened today was not right. And Ryan thinks the same. And I will still hang out with MJ,"

"Weren't you the one who was hell-bent on NOT being friends with Jibber?"
"Yeah... Don't get me wrong, he's still a huge weirdo, but life has been pretty good since he's been around. Unlike the rest of my friends in the past, he didn't get scared of Henry. And he fought for me. Even though he's weak as shit. That night when I was drunk at Ryan's party, I remember he stood up for me.

No one ever stood for me, sis. 

I guess I'm still stupid and too young to understand friendship and love but... I think this must be close to love. He cares for me and I like his company. He gets on my nerves but he also fights for me. And he cares for you too. That's why he doesn't want your club to die after you're gone... I think you're being too hard on him. We're 14. That's all I wanted to say,"

Louise left my room.

If there's a prize of ignorance, I would've won it today. I'm so selfish. I feel terrible. I wonder if I've hurt him too much. I know I have.

. . .

Wisha knocked at MJ's door, "MJ... How long are you gonna be in there?"
"Leave me alone,"

"BRUH! Ain't no way, bruh. You can't let a bitch get you down like that. There's plenty of fish in the sea. Come, me and Zaza will find you some bitches"
"Yeah, there are plenty of fish in the sea!" MJ opened his door and looked at Wisha, "But I only want one,"

Wisha looked surprised, "Fool, was that the bitch you like? From schoo'?"
"Oh yes. Don't call her "bitch","
"My bad, G. Zalia"
"Isn't she pretty?" MJ asked with a smile.
"Too pretty for her own good now that you got your eyes on her"
"Oh come on, man. You make it sound like imma predator"

"You kind of are, given your family history"

"That is not my family, Wisha."
"I can agree to disagree, but others won't. Master is your father now, at least to the world. Whether you like it...or not. And if she knows who you really are, you won't see her again,"
"I know, Wisha..." MJ looked down, "I know"

-To be continued 

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