Chapter 6 Minutes of Gap

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Ryan and Louise walked to school together once the rain had stopped. Ryan had a small frame and he was skinnier than Louise. His features were soft and feminine and his voice was mellow. 
"How long have you been playing the drums?" He asked Louise.
"Not very long. I have been playing them on and off for around three years now. My sister's friend taught it to me, she's a drummer in her band,"

"Your sister has her own band? That's so cool! Can I join it?"
"No, but you can join our band. Me friend Mitchelle,"
"Oh, what does Mitchelle play?"
"He plays the electric guitar,"
"Holy shit! That's so cool! Is he good?"
"He's pretty awesome,"

Ryan laughed. They had reached the entrance of the school by then, "One day in school and I already have friends. Chelsea would be so jealous of my social skills, I'm kickin' it!"
Louise smiled and suddenly had his collar grabbed by someone and dragged back, "Yo yo yo Louisi-anus!" It was Henry again. 

Louise turned back, "Henry, stop being lame, dude. We're in high school now,"
Henry had been bullying Louise since childhood. Shunning him out of playground games, shoving water balloons in Louise's pants while he was still wearing them, pulling his underwear out of his pants or throwing a cactus on his face. The last one even got him in trouble, but the boy was fearless. 

As they have grown up from five to fifteen, Henry definitely has turned more unbearable. 
"Lame? You know what's lame? YOUR MOM, BITCH!" Henry and his trolls, Evans and Sky started beating Louise to a pulp in front of the school entrance. Ryan, at first, was too shocked, "Are they his friend or...Americans are confusing...," 

"Should I help you?" Ryan asked while Louise's face was bruised purple and swollen red.
"Nah, I definitely got this," He said, sarcastically. So, Ryan decided it was safe and took a step back, "Are you sure you don't want my help? I think you do," Ryan took his phone out of his pocket.

"WHO YOU GONNA CALL? GIMME THAT PHONE, BITCH!" Sky grabbed the phone from Ryan and slapped Ryan with his long deadlocks, "FUCK OFF!"
"What's going on there?" Mr Dickson yelled from the halls as he looked at them.
"Shit! The pedo is here! Run, boys!" Henry left Louise's collar and ran towards the garden, disappearing in the bushes. 
"You guys still have my phone! Hey!" Ryan yelled and then looked down at Louise, "...Would you have a phone? I need to make an urgent call,"

Louise opened his swollen eyes and looked at him, "Phone? I don't even have the will to live right now,"
"Oh... Why not? You got three friends,"
"...You wanted them to stay?"

"I think we are having some sort of communication gap here,"
"Sorry, bad English," Ryan shrugged, "Should I help you?"
Louise just stared at him and soon they heard the upcoming panting of Mr Dickson, "Son of a bitch, I'm getting old for these little shits, aren't I?" 

"Oh no, it's Mr Dickson. Listen, don't tell him about this," Louise begged Ryan.
"Why not?!"
"Just please be quiet and listen to what I told you," Louise had no energy to fight or speak anymore. He had given up.
"You are pretty controlling," Ryan furrowed his brow.
"That's not what controlling means," Louise started tearing up.

Mr Dickson first caught his breath and then blew his whistle, "Boys, what happened here? And you there!" He looked at Louise, "What happened to you? Why are you crying?"
Ryan passed a long, hard stare at Mr Dickson, "He-..."

"He fell,"
'How the fuck do I look fallen?!' Louise just looked at the sky overhead, as if he was a soldier waiting for his death.
"Fell? Boy, stop lying to me. I saw those boys doing some mischief around here. Now, I might be near-sighted, but there were definitely more people than just you too,"
"No, it was just me and him...I was bloated, so I looked like four people,"

All I Want Is You Baby II (BoyXBoy)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora