Chapter 2 The Boy I Can't Befriend

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I held my camera on my face as I recorded my bandmates. The freshmen welcoming event was a disaster. Thanks to some snot-eyed jerk, we couldn't present the music club's performance. I hope people show up for the auditions, though. This club is slowly starting to die. "It smells like rotten eggs!"
"That's actually my hair mask," Madelene looked at me as we sat on the sunny terrace with our instruments behind us. I remembered when we first joined Kerlin County High, this club was a piece of shit, and I was positive that I would change it. 

Now, I am a piece of shit too.

"One may be useless, but one must not never be not hopeful," Peed was the philosopher of the band and a great guitarist. His real name was Pedro. All he did was smoke weed, wear gipsy fits and travel to Mongolia every summer just so he could get high with the caravans and hopefully find the true meaning of life. So, we named him Petro Weed, and just to make it a bit more lyrical, he was named Pedro Peed, now he's just peed and often pisses himself when he's too high.

"This club is fucked,"
"It is okay, Zuliah," Peed comforted me while trying to grab my camera and mispronouncing my name as usual, I dodged him, "The world is fucked. The universe was meant to be fucked, virginity is a construct, a human concept. You can never unfuck something because fucking is what we are born of. Mwah!" He began strumming the guitar while laying on the floor.

"Whenever I go out with my friends," He screeched, Peed can't sing. We don't let him, "They call me names and don't let me in. In every heartbeat, in every fart, I find myself lonely, baby~"
"Well, at least he's writing a new song," I turned towards Madelene.

Madelene did some yogic squats in another corner of the terrace in order to get the maximum amount of sun on her hair mask. Her butt was moving at varied angles, almost as if she was trying to twerk while being possessed by an unholy spirit. And somehow, this was affecting her upper body as well. Her hands did some weird breaststroke in the air. I just zoomed my camera at her until Wasim interrupted my shot.

Wasim Ahmed was our band's trumpet player which is weird because we don't have a single song requiring a trumpet. So, he's usually hanging out with us for literally no reason other than chewing his gum, eating everyone's steak and ruining our day. He is always wearing sunglasses, they are so much a part of him now that he wore them to his grandpa's funeral last month. And stole all my grandpa's pendant from his dead body while everyone was out for the feast. 

"Want to say something to our juniors to come?" I asked him while pointing the camera at his face.
"I've never had sex before," Wasim shrugged and began playing his trumpet while thrusting his hips in the air, "And so, he proceeds to fuck the air," Angela commented while sitting behind her drums. Angela Decarter was a dirty blonde, with brown eyes and chubby arms. She had rosy-red cheeks, and a stained T-shirt with her picture printed on it, she held the same expression as her picture behind her square glasses, 

"Wallah, America destroyed me!" 
"Why would you say that? America is the land of the free," Angela spoke, she always looked disinterested or tired. Or both.
"Exactly, I hate freedom," Wasim took his sunglasses off, which meant that he was going to say some out-of-pocket shit which nobody ever wants to know, "That's why I'm flourishing in capitalism,"

...I need to save this band.

But how? The audition tables were empty, "People are not showing up," Angela looked at me and I banged my camera on the table, "PEOPLE HAVE BECOME SO BORING! WHO DOESN'T LIKE MUSIC?!" I roared and grabbed Wasim by his collar, "GO! GET KIDS!"
"Alalalah, I'm too young for that!"
"GET THE FRESHMEN TO JOIN THE BAND! GO!" I kicked his useless ass out of the room, "Fucking cunt!" I wonder what Louise must be doing.

. . .

Louise, in fact, was not doing anything except existing in a sweatshirt saying "Finna be that bitch boo, cuz none of ya'll got the dick that I do!" Everyone in the halls simply laughed at him as they went past him. Until he entered his class and a group of relatively freer individuals sprawling over the desks encountered him. They did not laugh at first. They just exchanged looks and finally as Louise passed by them, one of them grabbed Louise's underpants from his trousers and pulled it up, making losing his balance and fall of the floor. 

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