Chapter 7 The First of All

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It was nine in the evening. Zalia had put a mask on her face and was listening to some soft music on an old gramophone while Harry was busy playing video games on his computer. Mr and Mrs Louverne were having wine together in the living room. Louise was trying to fall asleep in his bed with some ice around his face, wrapped in an old hoodie. He had escaped his mother's field of view by running straight into his room after school and refusing to have dinner to leave his room. He hoped that all the marks would calm down by the morning and then he'd simply say he fell from the bike.

While Louise was having all these thoughts, MJ was slowly crawling towards his window. He came across Zalia's room and watched her put some undereye patches around her eyes. She was standing in front of her mirror in her pyjamas and looked like she was unwinding after a long day. MJ just hung against her window and watched her do her thing.

Suddenly, she looked in his direction and he hid, "Shit!"
"Whose there?"
He decided to jump into the window right beneath her room, it was an open window. He landed on a table and dropped both the wine bottle kept on it. He got up and watched Mr and Mrs Louverne make out. They stopped and looked at him, "Sorry, I'm here for Louise. Please, continue," He got up and walked out towards the stairs. 

They looked at each other, "Our son surely is making some absurd friends,"

"LOUISE!" He opened the door and found out it was Harry's room, "The one opposite to me," Harry spoke without looking away from his computer. 
"Thanks, mate," MJ closed the door and opened the room opposite to Louise, "LOUISE!"

Louise was laying on his bed and pretending to sleep the moment he heard his voice, "I came to fetch you. Let's go to Nolan's!"
Louise continued to pretend that he was asleep. MJ snatched the bag of ice from Louise and emptied the ice over Louise's joggers, "OUCH!" Louise got up and kicked the pile of ice away, "OH MY GOD I FELT LIKE I GOT AN ED!"
"Let's go!"

Louise got dressed into a white Tee and blue denim jeans, "Bye mom, gotta go to a friend's place,"
"This late?"
"For a sleepover," MJ said and his mom agreed. 

"Why did you tell mom we're gonna have a sleepover? He invited us for a party, we'll have to go back home, where will I sleep?"
"You can sleep at my place,"
"I'm not coming to your place!"

He stood behind MJ who was trying to start his motorbike, "Aren't you like fourteen? You don't even have a licence!"
"I don't need one. If we get into trouble, Tony can help me out without a mugshot,"
"Who the fuck is Tony?"

"A friend. Now, hop on!"
"Ugh! If we get into trouble, you'll take responsibility," Louise sat behind him.
"Yes, honey!" MJ began driving and looked into his phone, "He texted me the address. Here, tell me where to turn,"

Louise looked at MJ's phone and then looked ahead. They had been driving straight for about a minute and then Louise said, "I think, we are going in the opposite direction,"
"What? I must have misread it. My bad," MJ turned and began driving in the opposite direction. They crossed Louise's house. Zalia was beginning to wash her face mask by then. 

MJ drove for another two minutes, "You haven't told me to turn anywhere,"
"This map is so weird. You need to take a U-turn,"
"What? Did we miss some spot?"
"No, just take a U-turn,"

MJ turned back again and began driving. They passed through Louise's house again. By then, Zalia was wrapping her hair around her rollers. "Aren't we going to the same place we were initially going?"
"No, turn right,"
"Right?" There was no street on the right, only a huge chunk of Californian woods surrounding an old woman's flower garden. MJ passed through the garden, crushing all the flowers and finally began driving through the woods. 

"Are you sure this is the way?"
"It's a shortcut. If you have a problem, then you see yourself,"
"Nah, I trust you," MJ drove. 

Henry entered Ryan's party with his girlfriend, who was friends with Chelsea Nolan, Ryan Nolan's twin sister. Chelsea was with her boyfriend who had still not gotten ready and was in her room, finding his pair of boots. She looked at Ryan, "Well, where are your friends? They are late,"
"They must be on their way,"

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