Jina : I want my mommy
Jin : Your mommy is down stairs darling
Jina : I want to see her
Jin : You'll see her soon
Jina : No I want to meet her right now
Jin : *sign* Fine come with me
Jin carried Jina in his arms and take her downstairs. Jina was only three years old when she went into coma so after seven years she still act like the three years old child who couldn't do anything without her mother.

Jin harshly pulled Max from Y/n's arm and carefully placed Jina on her lap. Max become afraid and tried to hug Y/n again but Jin's guards hold him
Y/n : What are doing? Give him to me
Jin : This is your mother dear
Jina doesn't remember her mother's face clearly so she thought Y/n as her mother and hugged her neck. Y/n push Jina from her
Y/n : I'm not your mother get off me
She yelled making Jina cry. Of course Y/n couldn't show love to his daughter at least not in this situation. Jin quickly take Jina in his arms and look at Y/n with red eyes but she was staring at Max. Jin give Jina to a maid who quickly took her out of the room. Jin placed a hard slap on Y/n's face making her fall on the ground. The corner of her lips started bleeding.
Jin : Lock this kid in a dark room alone and don't open the door at any cost even if he die.
Y/n : Nono.. please don't do this. Don't lock this innocent child in dark room he will die there.
She wanted to run to Max who's crying looking at her with his innocent doe eyes. Y/n felt someone is ripping her heart. She hug Jin's leg and begged
Y/n : Please let him stay with me I'll do it whatever you want. You also have a daughter right? At least for the sake of her don't hurt this innocent child
Jin : For my daughter.
He turn towards the maids and ordered
Jin : Dress my soon to be wife beautifully. I'll marry her in one hour

Taehyung understood he couldn't find Y/n while roaming around the town. He have to think wisely. He looked at Robin,
Taehyung : Did you track the number from which Y/n got the call from Jin?
Robin : It was a private number and the number is now out of reach
Taehyung : He's very cunning. But I'm sure he doesn't take her out from the town she's somewhere near..
Suddenly fluffy come out from nowhere and tried to drag Taehyung somewhere putting the fabric of his pant in his mouth. Taehyung bent down to the puppy's level. The puppy was panting heavily as if it come after running for hours. Taehyung notice something in his paws and flur. It's red soil. He quickly stand straight and said,
Taehyung : I think he's trying to take us to Y/n and Max. Let's follow him. Taehyung and Robin was about to go after fluffy when Noah come and fall on Taehyung's leg while crying
Noah : My son didn't come home since last night and the neighbors where saying that some man took him. Please save my son.
Taehyung quickly make him stand straight
Taehyung : Don't worry we're going to find them...... Is there any red soil here in any place?
Noah : Yes. The soil near the river is red but I don't think they will take him there cause that place is very crowded even in night
Taehyung : That's why he takes them there. Jin is very cunning. He knew will search for her only abandoned and secluded places. Let's go we have wasted enough time

Y/n was sitting silently wearing a big wedding gown. She couldn't do anything instead of waiting for her husband to come and save them. There's a big window in this room which is wide open. Y/n could see river from it. It means they're somewhere beside the river. The room is in down floor and there's no guard no maid in this room. It's just her and Max. She could easily run from here if she could walk, if she wasn't disable. Y/n understood they purposely did this to make her realize once again that how useless she is. Y/n smile sarcastically at her fate. Y/n look at Max who's sleeping. She can make Max run from the window but then she thought where this five years old boy will go alone and what if they caught him? So she drop the plan. Suddenly the door opened and a guard walk in. Black uniform along with black mask. Y/n remember where she saw this uniform. Young dae's guard used to wear this uniform but why Jin's guards wear them. Was it mean that Jin is related to Young dae? Y/n doesn't look at the guard directly but from the corner of her eyes she could clearly see him coming towards her. Now what's his intention? Y/n backed away feeling afraid. Suddenly the guard spoke,
Guard : Wow.. I badly want to marry you right now seeing you in wedding gown after seven years
The voice... Y/n look at the guard after hearing his voice. His face was covered and eyes were clearly visible to her
Y/n : Don't you feel ashamed to talk about marriage in this situation
Guard : I couldn't stop seeing you in bridal dress..
Y/n : Then your wife is ready to marry you again Taehyung
Taehyung remove his mask and picked Y/n in his arms. He hugged her tightly
Taehyung : You're alright right? He does he hurt you anywhere?
He broke the hug to check her. That's when he notice the slap mark in her cheeks and the cut on the corner of her lips. His eyes turn blood shot in just a blink. His veins plopped out
Taehyung : I'll kill that bastard
Y/n sobbed and hugged Taehyung tightly. She started crying like a child in his arms
Y/n : Why did you took so much time to come. My parents never slapped me nor beat me, you always treat me like a queen but he slapped me.. No one ever do this to me before
Taehyung : He will get his punishment
Taehyung pecked her cheeks and wiped her tears.
Y/n : You know he even point his gun at Max. He threatened me saying he'll kill Max if I didn't marry him. He's very bad
Y/n said everything to Taehyung like a child who's complaining to her parents. Taehyung listen her every word carefully. No matter how calm he's looking outside but from inside his blood is boiling. Kim Seokjin dared to hit his wife and the thought of marring his wife forcefully come is his mind. Even a terrible death is less for him. Taehyung just want to tear his every part of the body. He contact with Robin through the earpiece
Taehyung : Robin you'll find a big window behind the cottage. Clear every guards from there and send Noah.
Taehyung went towards Max and pick him up in his arms. Max wake up and started rubbing his eyes. His face lit up seeing Taehyung
Max : Uncle Tae.. you came it means we win the game!?
Taehyung : Yes dear we win the game
Noah come near the window and Taehyung give Max to him and tell Noah to leave from there. Noah didn't argue and do what Taehyung said. Y/n looked at Taehyung
Y/n : Aren't we going?
Taehyung : No my love we won't run from him. He will run from us.

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