Epilogue / Cheeseball - Chapter 29

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The morning sun filtered in through the curtains, bathing the room in a warm glow. Sunoo stirred awake to the feeling of soft kisses being pressed along his cheeks, his jaw, down his neck. He smiled lazily, not yet opening his eyes, as Sunghoon's lips continued their tender exploration.

"Wake up, baby." Sunghoon murmured, his voice still husky with sleep. Sunoo's heart fluttered at the sound. He finally blinked his eyes open to see Sunghoon hovering above him, hair mussed and a small smile on his handsome face.

Sunoo thought how the older looked more beautiful in this moment, with the golden sunrise framing him in its light.

Sunghoon leaned down to capture Sunoo's lips in a slow, unhurried kiss. Sunoo sighed into it, bringing his hands up to cup Sunghoon's face gently, as they pulled back, they stayed close, noses brushing.

"Good morning." Sunghoon whispered, thumb stroking over Sunoo's cheek.

Sunoo's eyes crinkled with joy. "Good morning."

Sunoo tried to recall the events of last night - confessing about the deleted video, Sunghoon said he initiated to have sex, ending up naked and entangled together. But the details were fuzzy, lost in a haze of pleasure and intimacy.

"Let's wake up, baby." Sunghoon murmured, his voice still husky with sleep. Sunoo tried to sit up, but a soreness in his back made him gasp and fall back onto Sunghoon's chest. Strong hands caught his hips, steadying him.

"Are you okay?" Sunghoon asked, concern crinkling his brow. Sunoo nodded, meeting his gaze. Sunghoon's eyes were warm, his smile tender. Sunoo felt himself melt at the affection there, the care in Sunghoon's touch as he gently rubbed Sunoo's hips.

Though confused about the night before, Sunoo took comfort in Sunghoon's presence now. He nuzzled into Sunghoon's neck, breathing him in. He wanted to savor this quiet moment together, pushing aside any doubts for later.

Sunghoon suddenly scooped Sunoo up into his strong arms, carrying him towards the luxurious bathroom suite. The marble floors were cold under their feet as Sunghoon gently set Sunoo down, turning on the rainfall showerhead.

Warm water cascaded over their bare skin as Sunghoon pulled Sunoo close, his hands gliding over every curve of the younger's body. Sunoo let out a soft moan, relishing Sunghoon's tender touch.

Sunghoon captured Sunoo's lips in a passionate kiss, the steam swirling around them and the younger melting into the kiss, his nerves fading away as Sunghoon's hands roamed lower.

Breaking the kiss, Sunoo gazed up at Sunghoon through wet lashes.

"Can I ask you something?" he said softly and the older nodded back.

"Perhaps - do you hate me for what happened back then and with Niki-"

Sunghoon silenced him with another searing kiss, pouring all his love into it, his lips playing with younger's lower lip.

"I could never hate you, baby." he murmured against Sunoo's lips. Relief washed over the younger's face.

Their lips found each other again as the water streamed down their entangled bodies. Sunoo smiled into the kiss, reassured of Sunghoon's unconditional love. Hands roamed fervently as they indulged in each other under the waterfall shower, letting the steamy passion between them rise.

Sunghoon took Sunoo's hand and kissed on it's back while the younger watched older one, staring at him with loving eyes, they skin burning hot under eachothers gaze.

Sunoo could see.

The love they carry for eachother, though a doubt arose and died on his lips.

"Promise hyung."

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