Fear - Chapter 21

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Third person's pov

Sunoo glanced over his shoulder for what felt like the hundredth time that day. His eyes darted around the library filled with students as he tried to focus on the textbook in front of him. But the prickling sense of being watched refused to leave him alone.

No matter where he went, he couldn't escape the paranoia that someone was tracking his every move, and reporting back to Sunghoon. Stalking him from the shadows. Spying on his art club activities before he finally gave up and quit going altogether. He quit joining the art club as soon as he remembered the warning.

Sunoo's hands trembled, making it impossible to turn the page. He shut the book and hugged his arms around himself.

Lately he has became distant, barely leaving his dorm room anymore. If only he could tell anyone. That he was terrified to step outside, interact with anyone, make eye contact.

Even here in this library, he didn't feel safe. He constantly glanced around, heart pounding, convinced that hidden eyes were watching him. Waiting for him to let his guard down and letting Sunghoon know his every move.

A week and a half dragged by, each day bleeding into the next. Sunoo returned to his dorm late each night, leaving again before dawn, doing everything he could to avoid crossing paths with Sunghoon. But it was never easy.

The distance between them cut deeply into Sunoo's heart, but he wore a mask of indifference, pretending nothing could hurt him. Though from inside, he was dying from the hurt of what had happened between him and Sunghoon.

Sunoo could never forget how Sunghoon had treated him. He thought they were starting something special, a lovely beginning where Sunoo could experience the thrill of being in love.

But Sunghoon never cared about love.

Avoiding Sunghoon had become Sunoo's normal activity, yet he still watched Sunghoon from afar, unable to let go completely. The pain was always there, just under the surface, threatening to spill over if Sunoo stopped pretending.

He watched from the shadows as Sunghoon laughed with his friends, seeming so carefree. Each giggle from the girls around him felt like a knife in Sunoo's heart.

Sunoo knew he didn't deserve this gnawing ache that consumed him as he watched Sunghoon chatting casually with the girls. He wished desperately that he could turn back time and make things right between them again.

Did Sunghoon even spare a thought for him anymore? Did he feel the same heart-wrenching pain that Sunoo felt every moment they were apart? Sunoo wondered if Sunghoon would take him back if he found the courage to reach out.

Maybe Sunghoon could love him this time, and things could go back to the way they used to be. The hope was faint, but it was all Sunoo had left to cling to.

"Sunoo-hyung, let's go and eat something. I'm hungry." Niki grabbed Sunoo's arm and pulled him towards the cafeteria, mumbling about his growling stomach.

Sunoo shuffled along without protest and Jungwon scolded Niki from behind for dragging Sunoo like he is not a human.

"Niki- stop walking so fast." said Jungwon trailing behind Sunoo and Niki.

The chatter of his friends faded into background noise for Sunoo. He appreciated these rare moments with his friends, where he can talk to someone, and feel carefree.

"Let's sit there." suggested Niki pointing his fingers towards the empty seat in the corner of cafeteria.

Sunoo trudged behind Niki and Jungwon, head down, as they made their way to an empty table in the corner of the cafeteria. He sat opposite them, placing his tray on the table with trembling hands.

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