Rivière- Chapter 22

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Third person's pov

The bustling soju shop was filled with the sound of drunken laughter and clinking glasses.

In the corner, Sunoo was slumped over the table, his face flushed a deep red. He hiccuped loudly before bursting into another fit of giggles.

"I think you've had enough." Niki said, grabbing the half-empty soju glass from Sunoo's limp hand.

"Shhhhh......" Sunoo slurred, pressing a finger sloppily against his lips.

"I'm perfectly fine."

Sunoo reached for the bottle, but Niki snatched it away.

"For real, Sunoo hyung. I'm not carrying you to your dorm like last time"

Sunoo just laughed, finding everything hilarious in his inebriated state. He cackled loudly at his own burp, amused by the mundane.

Niki looked helplessly at Jungwon.

"Can you talk some sense into him?"

"Let him get it out of his system." Jungwon said calmly, nursing his first glass.

"He's been through a lot lately. The alcohol will help him process his emotions."

They watched with concern as Sunoo mumbled incoherently, his head lolling as he struggled to remain upright. It was clear the alcohol had hit him hard.

"I think he's had enough for one night." Niki said. "We should get him back."

Jungwon nodded in agreement. They both knew Sunoo needed rest, not more soju. The bustling shop faded into background noise as they focused on caring for their drunk friend.

Jungwon paid the bill and hailed a taxi as Niki struggled to support a stumbling Sunoo, whose head lolled drunkenly between them.

Once inside the taxi, Jungwon watched the night sky pass by through the window, lost in thought.

"Should we take him back to his dorm or ours?" he finally asked, knowing they shouldn't leave Sunoo alone with Sunghoon right now.

Who knows what might happen if those two were left alone. Especially with Sunoo so inebriated, he could end up doing something reckless that he'd later regret.

"We should take him to his own dorm." Niki replied gently, adjusting the slumped Sunoo so his head rested more securely on Niki's shoulder instead of flopping.

"I know you're worried, but Sunoo hyung's ex or whatever, doesn't have the guts to try anything." His voice hardened as he recalled the older one's behavior at lunch.

"You think so?" Jungwon glanced at Niki doubtfully.

"Do you think Sunghoon loves him?" He sighed, gazing back out at the night passing by.

"I don't know if he loves Sunoo hyung or not. Only hyung knows that. I think we should wait to hear his side of the story first." Niki patted Sunoo's hair affectionately.

"But Sunoo hyung definitely, still seems to love him, even if he's also hurt."

"Yeah, he does seem totally in love but also in pain." Jungwon murmured, watching the city lights stream by the taxi window.

The mood in the cab was tense with concern for their friend an unease about the complicated situation with his ex. But they would be there for Sunoo, no matter what came next.


Niki and Jungwon shared a worried glance as they reached Sunoo's dorm, the silence of the night only amplifying their anxiety.

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