Possession - Chapter 7

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That was a mistake. Sunoo made a mistake he shouldn't have nodded his head or told him that he wants to suck his cock.

"I made a mistake and what's coming next for me. I would not want it but I have to have it, to save myself."

Sunoo entered the apartment kissing the older while listening to his groans and moans inside his own mouth sending shivers to him.

Sunghoon is feeling good more like satisfied as if he wanted to have Sunoo for himself as his possession and his toy that he can play with anytime. His babyboy.

The older moved his hands inside Sunoo's red hoodie while exploring his mouth and stroking his waist and thighs earning a pleased moan from younger.

The kiss is intense and Sunghoon is rushing to take things far as soon as he can, impatient to slow down, the older doesn't want it to stop any soon. He wants to explore more of the younger, more then just kissing and touching him.

Sunghoon has never fucked a boy or even kissed but Sunoo was an exception, for the first time he wants to try claiming a boy and if it's not someone small and fragile like Sunoo then he wouldn't want anyone else since it would be a waste of time for him.

Sunghoon pulled back from kiss biting on small figured males lower and upper lip not getting enough of it. He feels addicted to those lips, his favourite thing to taste. That's what he will address those lips as.

With wasting no time Sunoo was pushed inside olders room who lost his balance and fell on the floor. He thought it's over but how would it end so easily when Sunghoon have other thoughts.

It's the same room as this morning which suffocated him while his hole was being abused and a vibrator was shoved down without his consent, how can he end up in that room again. He was forcefully dragged back to their dorm it was never his plan to come back in the same room of Sunghoon.

Still this room right now seems more calming to him rather then threatening or eerie right now. It's better then Sunoo thought atleast he wouldn't have to suck his cock with the feeling of suffocation and it will end soon or maybe not?

Sunoo didn't forgot what older did to him and how he threatened him to breakup with his bf. He liked Hanbin for so long and finally when they were in a relationship he had to breakup cause of Sunghoon who came few days ago and ruined everything for him.

Sunoo sat with both of his hands between his thighs touching the floor he sat like an obedient kid facing the bed.

Sunghoon sensed already what Sunoo is thinking, that it will end soon.

He tsked audibly taking youngers attention who snapped his back infront of himself where Sunghoon is sitting on the edge of the bed with manspreaded legs and his face infront of raven haired males cock.

"Is this my cue to suck." sunoo thought with a questioning face not trying to make it obvious.

"Do what you are thinking baby boy." spoke Sunghoon escorting his fingers towards his lips that had cigarette stucked in between with a lighter in his left hand.

He took the stick between his lips lightening the cancer stick that Sunoo watched with curiousity.

"So he smokes as well." thought Sunoo finding him attractive but no he shouldn't have this kind of thoughts for him.

Sunoo shook away such thoughts but his eyes again landed on his lips and the cancer stick on his fingers while he puff out the smoke.

Sunoo gulped standing up on his feet, keeping his both palm on Sunghoon's chest telling him to go back a little on his bed that older first stared at his small hands upon his chest while puffing in the cancer smoke and stepped back eventually with a smirk.

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