realizing he should be getting back he begins walking towards the door stepping on some hard object, Ray crouches down to see what it was, Scrap metal he sighed and picked it up could be useful for Elliot. Before he left he grabbed something out and marked the door, then finally he leaves heading back to the dome. the darkness made it quite hard to see the door but Ray managed. 

He finds the door, he opens it and goes through it, he closed the door locking it he puts the key away and begins to walk over to Elliot's makeshift workshop that he had created awhile back to fix stuff up, Ray placed the scrap metal down and looked at Elliot. 

"Here you go Elliot, found that on my patrol, thought it would be helpful." Ray hummed. Elliots looks over towards the scrap metal, and smiled walking over towards Ray.  "Thank you, did anything happen on patrol?" Elliot asked grabbing some pieces of scrap and putting it on the table, "Actually yeah, today on patrol I went out to the outer areas, something was out there it wasn't like any of the monsters we've met it had this lavender scent, though I couldn't actually see it it was too dark before I could do anything though it was gone."

Ray explained, Elliot paused what he was doing and turned back at Ray,  "Lavender?" Elliot just stared waiting a few moments before Ray responded. "Yeah it was weird." Ray said, Elliot sighed and just got back to work. 'Let the dog figure it out on his own.' He thought to himself, "Well imma go tell the others Im back. See you later Elliot." Ray said walking off. 

to check up one the others. Everyone seemed like they were doing okay, though Chichi had gotten himself hurt so Rosie was patching him up again . Ray sat down to think, he wanted to go out again and find out whatever that thing was, there was a sense of familiarity that he had lacked for a long time but he doesn't know why.

a few hours pass by and all the critters begin to head back to the house to eat and get to bed, Ray though seemed distracted, not really fully there that evening. "I hope everyone had a good day, I sure did." Penny said giving everyone a plate of food. "Yeah today was okay, not very eventful though." Hopps explained crossing her arms looking over towards Chichi. "Got yourself hurt again Chi? Really?" Hopps snickered, Chichi crossed his arms and gave Hopps a glare. "Look I didn't see it and fell okay!" Chichi explained embarrassed, making the other critters snickered.

"Ray how was your day, you haven't really spoke much about it." Ella asked looking at Ray, "Huh? oh uh, it was okay." Ray said looking at his plate of food. Elliot stared at Ray, then back at the other critters. "Well that's good!" She said humming.

After supper everyone head to there rooms, everyone soon being asleep.

Ray thought was awake thinking, he sighs looking out his window he wasn't really tired, and curiosity was getting to him. he wanted to know where that vent lead and whatever that silhouette was. he growled to himself and stood up. "You know what imma go see." He said to himself. He grabs his pipe and opens his door, sneaking out of the house. he begins to make his way towards the dome door, and opening it going through it. He begins to head back to that room. He soon makes his way to it, opening the door and going through it making sure this was the room.

"This is a bad idea... Maybe I should of done this in the morning..." He started to regretting going out here at such a later time,  but then shook it off telling himself it will be fine, he walks over to the vent pulling it open. He crouched down looking side to side making sure nothing was there before crawling through the vent, 

 he makes it to the end of the vent, opening the vent cover and leaves the vent standing up. He looks around noticing it was a small room, the room seemed like any other but in the corner there was a blanket and some pillows like someone had been sleeping in here. Ray walks over smelling that lavender again. "Has It been sleeping in here?" He mumbled to himself, he had a sense of pity. Ray places down his flashlight on the tiled floor.

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