Chapter 4

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its watching now, whatever its planning.. its something horrible. Im seeing sees, vivid things! its gonna get me! and the critters. they'll be next.. like so many others... the more the paint peals the more eyes are there, the eyes there under the paint so many SO MANY. Im going insane! PLEASE... I just want this to be a nightmare... the walls they're bleeding. 

It's been a couple of days since Nova and Ray investigated, Nova is planning too again but he will bring something to get the doors open! 

Nova sat watching the door from the far end, he sat in the tree his tail lazily laying off the tree. 'No one has came to see us, they should have by now.' Nova thought to himself then looked down to see what the other critters were doing. Elliot was trying to teach Chichi and Hopps math.

Which is going, not great. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN THIS ISNT RIGHT, 2 + 2 IS FISH NOT 4." Chichi said annoyed throwing the paper, "Chichi my goodness." Elliot had his hand to his face annoyed by the chicken, Hopps was actually doing pretty good. "It's not that hard Chichi!" Hopps said looking at Chichi. "Im done im going to do anything else than this foolery!" Chichi stood up and left. "Ugh that chicken." 

Rosie was with Ella making paper swans. "And that's how you do it Rosie!" Ella hummed, Rosie nodded excitedly. Rosie smiled holding one of the paper swans. Ray goes over to see the paper swan. "WOW! THATS SO COOL!" Ray excited said,Rosie looks over towards Ray and nervously smiles. "Yes she did great!" Ella said.

Penny was eating a sandwich over at the picnic. "Hey critters! we should have some lunch!" Penny suggested, "Oh yeah I'm starving!" Ray said running over towards the picnic, "I agree!" Chichi also went over, soon almost all the critters were sitting at the picnic. other then Nova

"Nova come on down and eat lunch with us!" Ray tried to perswayed Nova, Nova stretches and then drops down walking over to the picnic then plop himself next to Ray. "Here you go Nova!" Ray gives Nova a sandwich, Nova takes the sandwich.

The critters eat there lunch most of them speaking about there favorite activities and stuff. Nova kept drifting back towards the door watching it. "Nova are you okay? You've keep staring into space!" Hopps asked, Nova looked at her staring without saying a word. "... Yeah sorry. just... distracted today..." Nova responded, Ray looked at Nova worriedly knowing what he was looking at. "Hey! maybe if its still nice and dry tonight we can go cook s'mores!"Ray shifted the topic. "Oh great idea Ray!" Ella said, "Yeah!" Chichi got excited, he loves s'mores. "Do we have the stuff for s'mores Ray?" Elliot asked. "Uh- yeah! probably." Ray rubbed the back of his head nervously.

"I can go check." Nova volunteered. "Well maybe after we eat silly!" Ray said. "Im full." "Oh, but you barely ate!" Ray remarked, Nova just glared at him. "Okay okay, go look Nova." Nova got up and walked towards the house. he opens the door and enters wandering over to the kitchen.

he looks through the cabinets for s'mores. "Hm we have a pack left. Actually, we running a bit low on food. hm." Nova said to himself looking at the box making sure it wasn't expired. "Good it's not expired." He places it down on the counter, he then begins to search around for some chocolate. "where is it. Ah, there it is." Nova grabbed the chocolate. lastly the gram crackers. he went over to the pantry and searched around in there. "Great the last box." He said to himself.

He places the items on the counter. "Good we have all the stu-" Nova paused, turning his head towards something. A eerie feeling leaks inside the house. "..." His eyes scan the room, he then leaves the kitchen staying on high alert. her looks around for anything. nothing, Nova glared into the eerie hallway then closed his eyes for a moment turning towards the front door, noticing it open. "Huh? I didn't leave the door open.." Nova walked over towards the door looking outside to see if anyone was out there, no just his friends- where's his friends. he blinked confused where they went he turned back to the inside of the house. now empty. nothing in there.

just a box. Nova cautiously goes towards the box. tapping it with his hand jumping up when it made a noise. He then pushes the box open. A deafening scream is heard.

Nova wakes up his eyes darting around. he was back in the kitchen. with the items for the s'mores on the counter. "w-what.. was that..." Nova tries to stop breathing heavily. he stands up feeling a banging feeling on his head, he had a headache. "god.. did I hit-" He rubbed the back of his head feeling a wet feeling on the back of his head. he moves his hand back, seeing it was blood. Nova ears pin back. "Shoot. I must of banged my head on the counter." He walks down the hallway towards the bathroom, opening it. he grabs the med kit from under the sink cabinet. 

Nova makes sure to clean up the blood from his head first. then grabbing something to sooth the pain. he puts away the med kit and leaves the bathroom to his room. 

a  d a y  l e f t

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