Chapter A&D part 4

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5 year jump, Nova has been missing for said 5 years, in the canon this will be the jump though ill make a few more chapters before the skip, this isn't canon at all to the series

"@Sallyface2579 asks for the critters do you miss Nova?"

Penny was in the kitchen putting stuff away, "Of course I do, hes was my friend. Though if hes still alive im kinda upset he hasn't came back, poor Ray hasn't been the same hes trying to be strong for us but I can see straight through that." Penny sighed placing a jar in the cabinet, then closing the cabinet door. 

Hopps was helping Elliot fix some wiring issues. "Huh? Oh Nova, yeah we both miss him." Elliot said, "Pass me the wrench will yeah Hopps?" Hopps nods and gives the wrench to Elliot. 

Chichi was getting patched up by Rosie, she was quite upset with him. "Ow, ok im sorry-" sees the note, "Oh uhm, of course I miss him, I may of not trusted him I still cared a lot about him- OW ROSIE" Rosie tried keeping Chichi head still, and smacked him on the beak for moving so much. "And, Rosie was one of Nova's closest friends alongside Ray." Chichi said.

Ella was searching around some boxes in the house. "H-huh? Oh, Nova.. I miss him a lot.." She muttered looking back at the box, seeming uncomfortable by the question.

Lastly Ray, Ray was distracted staring off into space, then snaps back into reality noticing the paper. "... Nova.. I miss him dearly, he was my best friend. The only thing I have of him now is his pendant. I lost mine, I actually don't remember how I did.." Ray tried to shift the topic.

"(Unknown person) asks, Chichi do you like Hopps?" 

Rosie snickers at the note, then Chichi takes it reading it for himself then blushing a lot. "Uh- No! of course not! but makes you think that?!" Chichi said looking away. 

"(Unknown person) asks for the monster that took? killed Nova, why did you do that?"

The monster was in the shadows, it was to hard for anything to see who it was. "I had a mission, and who gave it to me is non of your business." They say.

"(Unknown person) asks, Ray how much do you sleep?"

Ray looked at the paper, then looked away. "Haha... Not a lot anymore, I gotta protect my friends." Ray tried to justify the reason he doesn't sleep much anymore. 

"(Unknown person) asks for all the critters, what are your guys roles?"

Creator here, imma answer this one. Elliot is the mechanic, he makes sure everything is in tip top shape! Hopps is helper for Elliot since she's really good with that stuff too. Ray is the guardian/ protecter of the dome. Penny is the chef, also the collector when Ray goes out with her to gather supplies. Rosie is the medic. Ella helps Rosie with medic stuff. Chichi is the watcher though he thinks he can take on the monsters and gets himself hurt all the time. and Nova would be another guardian/protector if he was actually there

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