Chapter 5

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he daybreak has just begun.

The morning arose, it was quiet too quiet not even the birds chirped the morning tunes. The first critter to wake up was Ray, they all were in the living room again. Ray giggled and looked at the window, and his smile drifted away to more confusion. "Guys-" He begun to wake everyone up one by one. "Good morning Ray." Elliot yawned, Ray looked at the clock to make sure it was morning. "Uhm, guys look outside the window." Ray said, a few of the critters looked over then confusion hit them. "Huh?- Why is it still dark out, it's 8am it shouldn't be this dark." Elliot explained, the other critters agreeing it was odd.

"Wait where's Nova?" Penny asked looking around. "Oh- Maybe in his room?" Ella suggested. "I'll go get him." Ray said going into the hall, he went upstairs and made it to Nova's door. knocking on it, silence. "Nova are you awake?" Ray asked, then opened the door. He then sees a sleeping cat. "There you are, Nova wake up!" Ray barked, Nova falls off his bed onto the floor waking up. Then he glared at Ray.

"Somethings going on, the sky its dark! Even though it's day!" Ray explained, Nova stared. "Maybe the clock is messed up or something." Nova shrugged looking over towards his clock. "Oh-" Nova said, seeing that the alarm clock also said 8am. Nova got up and went over to Ray, and they both leave downstairs. Nova see the window. "Huh- Weird." Nova said, "Have any of you went outside yet?" Nova asked looking at the critters. "No, we just woke up." Ella whispered. "Well... uh. Why don't me and Ray go out and see whats going on." Nova suggested. "Yeah!" Ray said wagging his tail. The two critters leave outside. Nova looks up The sun was up but darkened. "Huh?- That's weird." He said tilting his head. "Maybe.. we should go back those weird rooms." Ray suggested. Nova looked at Ray, and towards the door. " ... fine ..." Nova sighed and begun to walk towards end of the dome. he puts his hand on the sky wall to search for the door.

Soon finding the door he grabs the key and unlocks it. "You first." Nova waited for Ray, Ray enters the door. Nova after Ray went in went as well closing the door behind them. "Oh it's also dark here." Ray said his tail going in between his legs. Nova shakes the flashlight and it turns on. "Where did you get the flashlight-" Ray asked, Nova shrug then looks to his side pointing the flashlight in the direction. "Come on."

The 2 critters adventure into the halls, " ... Nova?" Nova stopped and looked at Ray. "Yes Ray?" He responded, Ray looks away from Nova rubbing the back of his neck. "How long have you known about this?" Ray looked back at him. Nova fell silent, "You don't have to answer-" "5 years." Nova then continued walking, Ray a bit stunned. "wait- really? Why haven't you told anyone." Ray asked trying to catch up to Nova, who was getting clearly annoyed. "Ah tell your friends their whole world is a lie, yeah they'll believe me and NOT think im insane." Nova snapped, glaring at Ray. Ray backed up a little, there was awkward silents for awhile.

Nova sees a strange door, it had a sign though it was scratched out. Nova takes a mental note then grabs out something to pick the lock. Ray just stood there watching nervously. "Got it." Nova mumbled then stood up and opened the door, getting an odd feeling. Nova and Ray go into the darkened room the flashlight illuminating chairs and tables, Nova walks over towards the tables seeing some paper on it.

He picks it up and reads it,

"Week 728, those critters everyone tells me they don't know anything, but I don't believe that, that cat. Catnap? Nova whatever they call him. He knows something he shouldn't. But the higher ups don't wanna take him out because the critters will know. Some bullshit."

Nova stares at the paper for a moment, he turns himself around the flashlight showing another table against a wall. He notices Ray's Sun pedant on the floor. "Ray your pedant fell off again." Nova sighed picking it up. "Oh.. uh when we get back to the dome I can put it back on." Ray said

Nova looks around to see what papers there are, He picks another one up and reads it.

"Week whatever, I don't honestly care anymore. No one has been coming in at the late! so ive been having to research these stupid critters for hours on end AND have to make sure there shit works. you know what imma put in a complaint about having no one here, if they don't listen im quitting Im so-" The paper ends abruptly. "Hm" Nova walked over towards Ray who was staring at posters. "They had posters of us Nova." Ray said getting excited. Nova gives a small smile, then gives Ray the flashlight. "Huh?"

Ray looked confused. "imma look in the other room for a power switch or something." Nova left the room, leaving Ray alone, Ray walks over to some old paper and picked it up. "Oh, wait these were Ella's kid drawings! aww that's sweet they kept them!" Ray smiled saying that to himself. He searches around the room.

a quiet creak makes Ray pause and to look at the door he and Nova came from.

Another creak but this time much louder. "Ah, probably just Nova."Ray whispered to himself looking back.

A few moments go by and there was silents. deafening silence.

a loud thud scares Ray and he looks around the room quickly then walks out of the room and then into the room Nova was in, Nova was just fiddling with some wires. Ray sighed, making Nova look behind him. . . . Nova runs up and pulls Ray away from the door. Something was at the door, it was too dark for either of them to see, and Ray dropped the flashlight in the other room. The monster whatever it was, it was hanging off the ceiling. Ray went infront of Nova to protect him.

"Ray... Im sorry for what im about to do." "what?" Nova pushed Ray away from the monster, Ray falls onto the ground roughly hitting his head quite roughly. Ray from his blurry vision sees nova smiling at him. Then the monster attack Nova dragging him away. "No!" Ray screamed trying to get up but fumbled.

He finally stands up but it's to late. Nova was gone, the only thing left was the golden moon pedant. Ray picked it up holding it close to him, then looked up. "No.. no no!" Ray ran out of the room looking for anything to see where they went, nothing. Ray holds his head feeling a huge amount of pain. "I can't do this.. I can't.. I need the others!" Ray ran down the halls finding his way back inside the dome.

He closed the door tightly behind him, now back in the dome. He runs back to the house he opens the door freaking out all the critters. "Ray? Are you okay?! Where's Nova?" Ella said standing up and going over towards Ray, The other critters doing the same. "Hes gone... Something got him.." Ray muttered holding the Moon pedant tightly to his chest. "Gone? what do you mean, what happened?" Elliot asked. "... The lights, this place is a lie its not real, everything is made, the sky is paint. the sun and moon are just lights. we were trying find the lights. and something grabbed him." Ray ranted seeming like madness to the other critters. "What? why don't you sit down, your bleeding." Ella said getting Ray to sit down, Rosie and Penny went to find the first aid.

Ray explained the whole situation, all the critters shook from all the information.

"Novas... gone..." Ray muttered beginning to tear up. "M-my best friend is gone..." Ray rubbed his eyes, Hopp's placed a hand on Ray's shoulder. "Nova's strong! he'll be okay." Hopps tried to reassure the saddened dog. "I bet he'll be back by tonight!" Hopps said, Ray gave a weak smile. "... Yeah ..." Ray didn't believe any of that, he saw that monster drag his friend away he didn't even know what the monster had done before dragging him away.

and that's the chapter! I know I don't usually do these type of end bits, but wow 1k+ wow that's crazy, thank you, see you guys next chapter!

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