Chapter 3

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Everyday the dread gets worse, something bad is gonna happen. The air feels suffocating, everything feels fake. What are they doing? Why are we here? There are so many eyes. so many , all observing us. Why haven't the others realized, they seem so oblivious, they see the painted skies as normal skies. the trees as real and not plastic props. WHY HAVENT THEY NOTICED?!

The moon begins to rise, everyone was in the living room watching a movie. Nova walks into the kitchen, going through the cabinet for a snack. Ray walks into the kitchen and see Nova, he sneaks up on Nova. "HIIIIIII NOVA!" Ray jumped on Nova hugging him, Nova screeched and looks behind himself. "Ray! you scared me!" He said glaring at him, Ray stops hugging him. "Oh sorry heh." Ray rubs the back of his head, Nova looks back at the cabinet. 

"Hey what are you doing?" Ray asked trying to get a glimpse of what Nova was doing. "Getting food." Nova responded grabbing a snack. "Oh, Are you gonna watch the movie with us?" "No." Nova looked at Ray. "aww.. Why not?" Ray asked. "Uh. not in the mood to, sorry." Nova walked away about to leave the kitchen, "Well bye Nova!"Ray waved. "Bye." Then Nova left to his room. 

Nova went towards to his room, opening the door and entering he puts away the snacks he had collected inside his bag his eyes glazing up towards the window the moon shun high, Nova closes his eyes and sighs opening them a moment later. He zipped up the bag grabbing it and placing it beside the door. "Once midnight strikes, I'll leave everyone will be asleep by then." Nova whispered to himself.

Ray plopped himself on the floor to watch the movie. "Is Nova coming Ray?" Ella asked. "No, he didn't want to." Ray said, looking towards the dark hallways with a sad face. "Weird he always takes up your offer." Ella looked over towards the other critters, "Yes it is quite strange that he didn't want to, I know he isn't the biggest fan of socializing but he always up for movies." Elliot said thinking, "Eh he's boring anyways so who cares." Chichi remarked crossing his arms. "He is not boring!" Ray said upset, glaring at Chichi. "Oh come on, you know it's true." Chichi glared back at Ray. "Critters critter, please let's not start anything." Elliot said, the two looking at him, then getting a 'Hmph' out of both. 'They act like children sometimes my goodness.' Elliot thought to himself putting his hand to his face in disapproval.

"Hey let's just watch the movie before it gets too later!" Penny said trying to get the other critters attention back to the movie. "Oh right the movie!" Ray forgot the movie existed for a moment nervously rubbing the back of his neck. 

Tick Tock The Clock Strikes~

The critters all had fell asleep, all sleeping in the living room, which most nights they did. Nova wanders out stepping silently, his tail dragging across the floor as he makes his way towards the front door. He glances over towards the sleeping critters making sure they all were asleep, he grabs the knob opening the door, the door creaks, and Nova slips through. Rustling is heard in the house.

Nova quietly steps through the forested area, making his way towards one of the sides of the dome the deafening silence nothing was out not even he sound of trees. just eery silence. Nova presses on the dome, gliding it around till he finds the door camouflage amongst the painted sky. He pushed the door to try to open it, not budging. "hm, have to be someway to open it..." He looks around till he sees a key. "Huh, terrible job at keeping the key hidden." he yoinks the key finding the keyhole. finally with a click the door is unlocked he pushes the door open, he puts the key inside his bag for safe keeping, an dark and eerie hallway with a staircase up. "The stairs or halls." he thought to himself then opting for the staircase, he went up it. the place getting even darker he grabs out his flashlight turning it on. 

Nova begins to search the area for anything the doors to rooms were locked and sadly his key didn't work on any of them. "Come on there-" he pauses his ears twitches hearing a creak, he quickly turns around. "Ray!? What are you doing here?!" Nova said with surprise. "Well I saw you leave and I wanted to know where you were going- what is this place?" Ray asked his tail behind his legs, Nova sighs. "I don't know. I just saw someone go through this door and wanted to know." Nova half lied, he didn't know how much Ray knew. "Oh. well you couldn't told me and the other crit-" "No Ray, it wouldn't have been a good idea." Nova said then turned around. "Come on." Nova said motioning Ray to follow.

They venture into the dark halls. Ray staying close behind Nova, annoying Nova a bit since his tail kept getting stepped on and tripped over. "Maybe there wasn't anything in here." Nova whispered, turning towards Ray. "Let's go back, there's no keys around to get in these rooms." Ray nodded, beginning to walk back.

A silent presence watching the two adventure back into the safety of their 'home'. before they got back to the door Nova's flashlight flickered off. "ugh, Ray! stop stepping on my tail!' Nova said annoyed. "uh. I'm in front of you? Ray said, Nova froze. "Ray run to the door now!" Nova yelled, Ray scrambling to the door blinded by darkness. Nova ran too hoping it was his imagination both made it to the door opening it and shutting it behind them Nova locking it.

Nova mind raced worried on whatever that was. "Nova are you okay?" Ray asked touching Nova's shoulder, getting a flinch out of him. "... Yeah, fine. I think maybe it was my imagination from lack of sleep.." Nova whispered "let's just get back home." Ray nodded, going first. 

They both get back to the home quietly entering it, "Imma.. sleep in here with you and the other critters. Nova sat down, Ray then also sat down. "... We can talk about this tomorrow." Ray whispered. "Good night Nova." Ray said then laying down. 

4 more Days

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