Chapter 2

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Something is weird, this world we live in. The sky, it's flaking off, there's wires coming out of the sky. what is happening? 


the truth is leaking in

Nova sat next to the window watching as it pours outside the sound of rain ricochet off of the roof, it had been storming for awhile it was the next day and it hadnt ended, everyone was a bit worried about how long it had been raining though Ray tried to keep everyone one calm. 

it usually never rained for more then a few hours. Nova ears twitch. "Hey Nova do you know when it will stop raining?" Ray asked, coming over to Nova, then the cat turned his head shaking his head no. "Aww man." Ray sighed, Nova thought to himself, 'Why haven't they stopped the rain yet. They couldn't have forgotten.' Nova looked back at the window squinting to see if he was able to see anyone out. 

Rosie and Penny were playing a board game, while Ella painted. the other 3 in their rooms. Nova sighed and looked over towards Ray. "I think... I saw something out there, I'll go out there to make sure it isn't anything." Nova stands up going towards the front door. Ray ran over to him stopping Nova. "Can I come with you?" Ray asked holding on Nova's hand. "... Are you sure? It's raining pretty heavy." Nova said looking at the door. "Yes! I want to come with you." "If you're sure Ray." Nova grabbed the knob twisting it and opening the door, the sound of the storm loud.

Nova walked out waiting for Ray, Ray walks out closing the door behind him, "Come on let's get this over with before it gets any worse." Nova said wandering out into the rain, looking around, Ray follows behind closely. Nova eyes scan the area for something, then turning towards Ray. "Hey.. I think your tennis ball is over there Ray." Pointing over towards some trees. "Really?!" Ray runs over to look around for it.

Nova walks off, going a big far from the house. he glances around staying alert, he taps the blue sky the paint flaking off when his paws touched it. Nova taps around then hearing a metal sound, attempts to open it. finally breaking it open, a control panel.

'Okay.. How does this work. hm.' He thought to himself, his eyes scanning the control panel, then stopping at the words: Rain System. Perfect this was what he was looking for, it was on the initials S.  he grabbed the switched trying to pull it down, it was stuck. Nova kept pulling till it pulled down. the sounds of the storm stopping, Nova closed the panel returning to Ray.

"Ray come on let's get back, I think it was I'm imagination." Nova lied, Ray looked over towards him, "Oh okay! I didn't find my ball though.." Ray sadly said, his tail stopped wagging. "It will be okay. now let's go." 

Nova and ray walk towards the house, Ray entering the house first then Nova. "Oh you two are back!" Penny smiled at the two, "Yep!" Ray smiled his tail wagging. 

"Imma go to my room." Nova whispered, he soon walked away towards his room. opening the door he goes inside the room closing the door behind him. The room was a soft lavender with stars on the ceiling, some cloud stencils on the walls, his bed had a black blanket with a star and moon pillow. he walks over towards his shelf grabbing a book. he grabs a pen and sits down on his bed. 

Nova opens the book clicking his pen and beginning to write. "Ive noticed those people, they're ignoring us more and more, less people coming to see us. somethings going on and I need to find out what it is about. Ive figured out a long time ago our home, is fake a dome with painted skies and a weather system and day and night system. Non of the others have figured it out yet. and I hope to keep it that way. I don't want them to get hurt, it's only matter of time though. Ray is starting to notice things... I don't know what they are planning but I don't have a good feeling about it. that's all my thoughts for now." He finishes writing,

clicking the pen and stands up returning the book and pen to the shelf. "I think tonight I'll go to the door. I'll investigate." He whispered to himself. closing his eyes for a moment. looking over to his closed window. The rain stopping, he looks around his room grabbing a bag. he places it on his bed, he grabs a flashlight putting it inside his bed, next a book and pen. "ill grab the rest later." 

5 more days

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