Chapter 7

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The air felt chilling this morning, the critters already up and doing their jobs around the dome, keeping it up and working the best that they could. Ray was getting ready to go on a patrol of the outside, before he gets going he tells each of the critters where he was going so they don't get concerned. 

He grabs the dome key and heads over towards the door, the paint from the door pealing off from it not being repainted in such a long time. 

Ray walks down the darken halls it always felt so eery out there, he kept his weapon close to his side ready grab and  attack anything that tries to attack him. The outside of the dome started to corrode over the years, exposed wires, pipes coming from out of the walls, and the floor cracking and breaking in half.

Ray ducks over the pipes making sure his ears didn't hit the wires. Ray finds himself at the far reaches of the ventured areas of the outer dome, he wanted to go out too far but did wonder what else laid out farther.

He sighed sitting down, barely any of the monsters came out this far so he knew he was mostly safe. he grabs one of the pebbles from his side and throws it out into the dark abyss, it was eerie but he grew to not mind it I mean, how would he not? hes been here his whole life how, it was comfort not everyone understood the comfort about it. But that didn't matter, only he needed to. Only he needed too...


 His ears perks up as he hears the soft dripping of water, snapping him out of his thoughts. sniffing air,  the air felt very still to him, like it always did out there. Then a strong scent hits his nose making him scrunch, 


He glanced around confused about the overwhelming strong scent. 

Ray looked up to the darkness above a silhouette was in there, Ray squinted his eyes the only thing you could see was its eyes, observing Ray. Ray subconsciously grabs hold of the pipe, it eyes slit when seeing the pipe it crawls quickly back up into the darkness, the lavender scent going with it.

"What was that..." He said to himself, standing up he looks around to see if it had dropped down anywhere, no it didn't seem like it Ray sighs and begins to make his way back to the dome, his eyes scanning the area seeing if anyone was stalking him. He passes a door then pauses hearing it creak open? he turns towards the door, curiosity he goes inside though cautiously looks around inside the room.

He looks around for any marker to know that he had been inside this room before, there seems to be nothing its been quite a long time since hes found a new place to explore. he attempts to open one of the drawers but finds it was locked, he notices most of the drawers and cabinets were locked. Only a single one which had a blanket with some noticeable scratches Ray picked it up, that same lavender scent hitting his nose again, Ray placed the blanket down and looked around the room some more seeing a vent, the vent looked like it was opened before though messily put back on making it jammed. "Hm.." He thought to himself,

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