Chapter 2

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This chapter is written by icannotfall.

Those agonizingly slow minutes ticked by and Aidan held his breath, preparing for the worst. He counted down the seconds, watching the rise and fall of Isabelle's chest as she snuggled into him. Any time soon she would be gone, and Aidan wasn't sure that he was ready for that. As he counted his last five seconds with the love of his life, Aidan felt water spring to eyes. Biting his lip, he willed himself not to cry.

While reaching a hand out to tuck a piece of Isabelle's hair behind her ear, something happened. Aidan's hand was forcefully jerked away as if some unseen power was controlling it. His brows creased as he looked down at his hand than back at his girlfriend. She was still breathing. Something's off, he thought.

A sudden action cut off his train of thought. His left hand met his right and he unlatched the alligator clip from his finger. The monitor went silent. He stared at his hands in disbelief. He hadn't mean to do that. It was as if his body had a mind of its own.

Unwillingly, Aidan swung his legs off the hospital mattress and hopped to the floor. He wore an expression of confusion as he tried rationalizing what was happening to his body. He was being controlled. As he padded across the room, Aidan caught site of something silver on a  metal nightstand. He squinted to get a better look at the twinkling thing that was hidden beneath a sheet of paper towel. Once he reached his nightstand, he snatched the object. It was a dagger.

Aidan's eyes widened in fear and sudden realization. "No!" he shouted. His feet took control and twirled him around so that he was facing Isabelle. "No, no, no. I can't!" Aidan shook his head frantically, not believing the situation. He desperately attempted putting all his weight on his heels so he wouldn't move. His attempts were futile. Nothing worked. He took steady steps toward Isabelle. His head swung over his shoulder. "Doctors!" he shouted. His heart sped up. "Doctors, please, help me!" There was no response.

"Hmm?" Isabelle mumbled. Slowly pealing her eyes open, Isabelle propped herself up. "Aidan, it's fine. This was meant to-" She stopped mid-sentence as her eyes flickered to Aidan's hand.

Alarmed, Isabelle sat up and shrunk away until her back was flush with the wall. She swallowed the dryness in her throat. "Aidan," she drawled out with eyes focused on the weopon, "put that down.

Aidan's eyes were swollen with tears and his hands were trembling as he stepped forward. "Isabelle," he croaked, "I'm so sorry, baby. I didn't want this." He shook his head vigorously and tried prying the dagger from his hand. It wouldn't budge. He looked back up at his beautiful love and his heart shattered. "I can't stop," he whispered.

Isabelle's heart sped in fear and her stomach clenched. Closing her eyes, she allowed her tears to be relinquished. She didn't sob or plead with Aidan; she simply nodded, accepting her last moments. "I'm sorry you have to live with this memory," she said.

Aidan's heart ached. He reached the edge of the bed and his arm swung upward. "No!" he cried out, staring wildly at the dagger. He shook his head and gripped his arm with his free hand. It was no use; whatever power was controlling him was too strong for him to fight. He couldn't withstand the tears any longer and they began to roll down his cheeks. He clenched his jaw in order to suppress a sob.

He winded his arm back, and his body shook. He stared into Isabelle's glazed eyes. She smiled weakly. "I love you," she whispered.

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