chapter 23

545 33 7


Saturday morning

Wake up call wake up call

V snuggled close to his brother chest and hugged him tightly not minding the ringing alarm near his ear but suddenly something stricked his mind he got up grinning he is exited to organise the part today

"Ahhh today is gonna be exciting" he giggled and streched his body yawning

He got down and walked to the closet and picked casuals and spirited to the bathroom

Tae woke up after few minutes and tapped his side

"That's surprising he woke up before me " tae sat up and rubbed his eyes he yawned but his mouth strucked when he saw his brother walking out of the bathroom all ready

"Now that's even more surprising" he mumbled well his brother always throw a fit if he have to wake up early or to bath first

"Morning Hyung" he smiled like a sunshine

"Too much brightness " tae blocked his eyes

V hopped to his brother and jumped on him shaking tae "Hyung i planned everything and you liked the theme right...i will go and arrange everything you will drop by to see the deco and get ready for office or you will be late byee " he Stromed out side slamming the door and tae can hear another door getting slammed

He must have went to torture yeonjun as he can hear yeonjun scream

They all sat down to eat breakfast with a exited V who is sowing down the breakfast well its tasty
And a grumpy yeonjun who have a red spot on his forehead
Pajeon,meat, tofu soup

"neo meonjeo eodi gani? (where are you going first ) " tae asked and cutted the pancakes( pajeon)

"Ohh first the hall deco its will finish by lunch then the set up for food so when the food catering arrives it will be easy " V said and smiled at his brother who passed him the cutted pajeon

He chewed and gulped the food " then the flower deco by then everything will be arranged lastly the cake that's it........we will have 40 to 50 min before the guest arrive"

Tae is proud of his brother he really loves event management...... always smile like this baby

After breakfast all Went to their works

Yeonjun was the one driving again and V is checking his ipad about the plan And schedule

They arrived at the hall

And the workers and the decorations everything arrived they started their work

V and yeonjun roamed around instructing evryone to work

They all took a break in between and V already arranged everything for the break

And resumed the work

"Ahhrgg iam tired boss " yeonjun wiped his sweat

V patted his shoulders and adjusted his mask

"Atleast you get some air but look at me iam fully covered and this mask is irritating me " he turned and lowered the mask and wiped his face with the tissue and wore it again

"Just few more then everything will be set just check the lighting and the speakers "

After everything is done they had lunch Even though its late for lunch

Few more hours the party will start

V and yeonjun tasted the catering food

"Wow boss try this chicken and this too " they both tasted everything and approved it

my boyfriend have a twin ?| TaekookVWhere stories live. Discover now