chapter 16

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feliz lectura (happy reading)

Jungkook laughed at what yeonjun said "don't worry he will like you....." He said giggling

Well they were in a restaurant having food talking and sharing V didn't talk much as he was busy devouring the meat

Yeonjun with a slip of a tounge said that he likes soobin to jungkook when the other said that he is like a brother to him

"You both look white rabbit" V said and jungkook gave him a offended look

He rolled his eyes "and you look like a stupid bear"

"What....iam a tiger you lil white bunny and you shut it foxy " yeonjun laugh died down when he saw the glare

He snatched the meats that are cooking on the grill and ate it all

Ahhhhhhh the other two cried"boss why did you ate my meat " he Whined loudly and jungkook hitted him with his fist
"Yhaaa that was mine " jungkook hitted his biceps

"Yes their like that a little it on my shoulders too " V said and laughed

"Your a meanie taetae humpp" he pouted

"Yes yes its for making fun of me " he pointed his chopsticks at them "and if you guys do it know what will happen " he said pointing at the meat now

Yeonjun took the piece and showed inside his mouth

They ate but halted when yeonjun asked
"Hyung why do you love big boss so much " he asked making V gulp he looked at jungkook waiting for the answer

Jungkook thought for a second"hmmm well he was my senior.... wait no super senior and we got to know each other through mutual friends at first we didn't talk as i was little imitated by him.....i was shy......we started talking because of the college has to be arranged by seniors...and i know many seniors because of my cousin so i helped them like that we started to hangout and i was always shy around him......then it was before his graduation i guess...he asked me out on a date......i was shocked well he was the whole college heart throb that date went smoothly i don't know how but everyone in the college came to know about our date and you know the mean girls of the college came and bullied me for snatching their man.......but he appeared out of nowhere and said that he will complaint against that the last days went with us going on days on weekends we became close.....thats the start of our love journey " jungkook smiled shyly

"Wow that was a perfect college love story.....did your parents know " jungkook hummed

"Yes when i visited last time tae came with mother liked him instantly " jungkook said and leaned on V who is listening everything carefully

"Hmmm....yes big boss is very mannerfull and handsome " he said imagining the gentleman smile of tae

" But i never meet his parents....they live in abroad...."he said and ate the veggies

"Hyung if sunndenly their is one more big boss who looks just like him came and said he likes you what will you do " yeonjun asked as he was curious

" Hmmmm if he is ok with being in a three person relationship iam ok....well who wouldn't want one more extra handsome boyfriend " he said and laughed

So i have a chance

"So your ok with poly relationship" he asked

"Hmm yes but only if its another will be so cool..."

V and yeonjun shared a look

They talked many random things and had more food

"Wow iam so full " yeonjun patted his tummy

my boyfriend have a twin ?| TaekookVKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat