8- A 'normal' day

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The incident with Minho and Seungmin last week was really tearing me apart but I managed to somewhat get over it to live my old life again.

The life Minho isn't a part of.

Occasionally, I would come to the track, only to see Felix. Every time Minho would come around I would just hide in the bathroom or something like that.
"Hey, Felix" I said with a smile.
"Hi, Ji" It was relieving to know that Felix didn't do some crazy shit to make me miserable like Minho who I trusted with my life.
"So how's business been lately?" I asked, taking a seat.
"It's been pretty slow to be honest," He said "Our racers have been leaving the company" He sounded fairly sad.
"Sorry about that..." I put a hand on his shoulder in an attempt to comfort him "I know how much this track means to you.."
"It's been in my family for years.." Hyunjin came into the garage and slammed his helmet on the table. "Damn Mi-" He stopped when he saw Felix was there, seemingly lost in his eyes for a minute before snapping back to reality.
"Jisung. Can you tell your boyfriend to get the hell out of my track?" He said politely trying to hide his anger.
"Oh we're- We're not dating anymore.." I said awkwardly fighting with my fingers.
"Oh great, just great.." He covered his face with his hand for a second in frustration.
"He must be angry you broke up with him. Anger fuels him like fucking fire" He dropped his head in his hands. Felix quickly went over to comfort him.
"It's ok, Jinnie.. you'll bounce back, you always have.." He put his hand on his shoulder and Hyunjin put his hand over Felix's. I chuckled slightly at their cuteness. Their relationship was so perfect from my perspective.

I wish I could have one like theirs.

On the way out the track seemed so shriveled. Everything was dusty and uncared for, the track had potholes, the lanes were messed up and the locker rooms were a mess. Even the paint was fading from everything, it looked like someone had straight up used a vacuum to suck all the life and color out of this place.

Now, life turned its back on me.

Minho came into sight. I hadn't seen or talked to him in a week. I purposely ignore all his texts and calls. I try to make a run for the exit but of course he noticed me.
"Jisung?" I stop dead in my tracks and turn to him, trying to put on the most still expression I could manage. The truth was, I missed him. I missed his warm hands on my waist and his soft lips on my neck.
"Minho." I addressed dryly.
"I- Look.. I'm sorry about.. that.." He tried to explain.
wow! What a sincere apology! I totally forgive you for fucking my best friend's ex in front of my face.
"I-I don't know what came over me.. We were just talking then.." He faltered, guilt creeping over his face.
"He just kissed me and.. I guess I didn't pull away that night because that was the only way I could cope with my feelings.. Because.."
"He came onto you and you didn't refuse to sleep with him-"
"I love you" I stopped dead sentence.
"You heard me." He said
"I fucking love you, Han Jisung"

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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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