2- Wanna go for a ride?

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In my dream, I was going hanging out with Jisung at my place.
We were just talking about random shit no one else would get but us.
But dream me was staring at him in a way.
In the blink of an eye I was dragging him to my room.
He followed me without hesitation as I pinned him to the door after closing it and locking it.
Our lips collided and my tongue slipped into his mouth.
He moaned.
He moaned.
What type of dream am I having?

We kept making out on the door.
Eventually I pulled away from his lips and traveled down to his neck, kissing and sucking it.
After I left a mark on one side of his neck I went to the other side.
He was beginning to drift off the door but I slammed him back on.
I pulled off his sweater and glasses.
After spinning him around, his back was facing me.
I continued to kiss his neck but on the back.
My hands were pinning his wrists to the door so he couldn't move.
He was moaning every time my tongue made contact with the back of his neck.
One of my hands left his wrist and went to his waist, soon slipping under his shirt.
I ran my hand up his stomach under his shirt lightly.
He moaned again.

I woke up with a start, jolting up in my bed.
My breath was quick and when I touched my hair it was slightly damp.
A deep sigh escaped my mouth.
Why did I have such a dream?
My phone screen lit up with a text.
The message ID read 'Hannie'
I immediately picked up the phone to read the text he sent me.


Are you free to hang out later today?
                                                                      Yeah of course
Alright great, see you :)

                                                                                  See you

I got out of bed with a smile plastered on my face.
I put on a simple pair of black jeans and a black sweater that said 조용한 울음소리, meaning 'Silent Cry' I fixed up my hair a little and left the house to meet up with Jisung.
I got into my car and drove to Jisung's apartment. When I got there he was waiting outside. He was wearing about the same thing as me but his sweater had a little egg in the middle. I rolled down the window and called out to him.
"Jisung!" He saw me and smiled as he approached my car.
Before he could get to the door I ran out of the drivers seat and rushed around the car to open the door for him.
I opened the door with a smile. He hopped in and I closed the door behind him.
Back in the drivers seat, I started driving.
"Where are we going?" Jisung asked.
"I thought we could go watch a movie." I said while making a right turn.
"What type?"
"A horror."

I turned into the movie theater space and parked the car. We both got out and walked into the theater.
I got a small bucket of popcorn for us to share and two water bottles.
It was pretty obvious that Jisung was scared during the movie but he didn't scream or anything.
It was obvious from his expression though.
"You can hold on to me if you're scared.." I blurted out in a whisper without thinking. He immediately held onto my arm for dear life.
I smiled to myself.
He looked so cute next to me, holding onto me.
I wanted to hold his hand but I stopped myself thinking it'd be weird.
He grabbed my hand first though, probably out of fear.
I might've blushed but no one could notice since the theater was so dark.

My eyes were glued to the movie for a while but when a jumps are part came on it scared me a little too. I looked over at Jisung and he didn't even open his eyes.
I chuckled a bit as one of his eyes opened to see if the part was over yet.

After the movie was over and we walked out of the theater it was already dark out. He was still holding onto my hand when we went into the car. I was forced to drive with one hand since he refused to let go.
"Why.. wanna go for a ride?"
He Turned to me.

We got my race track and I got into my newly fixed up car.
"Buckle in" I said as I stepped on the gas.
The car sped through the night.
It was only us on the track but it was just as fun as if there was a crowd.
After our little drive we got back into my other car so I could drop him off.
"Can I stay at your place for the night? I'm scared" he said hopefully.
"Yeah of course." I said trying not to smile.

When we arrived at my house we both got out. His fingers were now intertwined with mine. I gave him some extra clothes so he could change.
He basically ran to the bathroom and came back running too.
He held my hand again.
"There aren't any monsters in here, Jisung" I said with a laugh.
"I beg to differ.." He said looking around. My eyes were glued to our fingers together. A text popped up on my phone. I got up to check it and Jisung let go of my hand. It was a text from Hyunjin.
"If I didn't know any better I'd think a fuck boy lived here" Jisung said looking around the dim room lit up with only red LED Lights.
"I swear I'm not a fuck boy." I said with a chuckle.
Hyunjin was texting me about the race tomorrow. How I'm a bitch and I deserve to die. And that I'm not as good as him. I shook my head and sat back down on my bed where Jisung was.

1006 words

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