"Really?" Minjun commented, his one brow quirked up. "Why is that Jeon? Is my friend not good enough for you? How about us?" Taking a step forward, Jungkooks breath caught and his hands shook when his old bully ran the back of his fingers down his face stopping at his neck as he caressed the area lightly. "Huh? We used to be friends, didn't we? We're owed that much"

With a clouded mind he took a step back while swatting Minjun's touch away. He wasn't the same kid he was back then, weak and pathetic, unable to stand up for himself.

"D..dd..don't touch mm...mmme" All three faces twisted into laughter as they mocked his stutter. Even if he had changed he still was afraid. How could he not be?

And it was at that moment when they were laughing and Jae was reaching for him did all hell break loose and either Taehyung or Yoongi had yanked him back.

"Kook? Jungkook??!!" He blinked away whatever haze he was in and found himself outside next to Yoongis car. Jimin was holding his face in his hands, his own scrunched in concern as his eyes went back and forth with the youngers as if looking for something. "Are you ok?"

"I..I." Was he ok? He thinks so. Right now all he could think about was what was happening inside. Were Yoongi and Taehyung going to be ok? Those three were big guys, bigger than them and Jungkook couldn't help but worry about it.

"Hey, breathe" Jimin stepped back and grasped his shoulders checking him for any injuries. "Oh my god, you're bleeding!"

"Huh?" He hissed when Jimin took hold of his arm and held it up, both watching as a little blood trickled down his fingers coming from somewhere up his sleeve. "I didn't notice" mumbling out but then remembering the pain when he had fallen. He must of scraped his elbow in the fall remembering it.

"Just hold up your arm like this" Jimin had him fold his arm and keeps his hand upright. "Just so we don't make a mess anywhere, we'll have to clean it later."

"Ok" it was like he was just mindlessly answering, he wanted Tae and his hyung right now. Wanted to see them walk out of the building unscathed.

But his wishes were half denied when the two suddenly appeared and jogged towards them. Jungkook didnt have time to properly look at them when he was being told to get in the car as they seemed to be in a rush. Nobody was coming out after them so they weren't being chased but they were in a hurry to leave.

He had gotten in the back seat as ordered and left his door open for Taehyung to slide in next to him. Gasping at the bloody lip and ripped clothes of Taehyung, his knuckles cut open and hair tousled as he sat in the seat next to him, slamming the door.

Taehyung didn't waste any time and held his face in his hands, sliding his body next to his as he looked all over his face making sure he was untouched and not harmed. Finding nothing wrong with the younger he leaned his forehead against Jungkooks and breathed out a deep sigh.

"You're ok, thank god you're ok"

"But you're hurt" Jungkook voiced out his concerns as he pulled away and looked back at his boyfriend's bleeding lip. Then he looked at the front seat where Yoongi was driving them away. "Yoonie?" He could see a red bruise forming on his hyung's cheek and his hair and clothes matched the same as Tae, his knuckles too were skinned and bloodied.

"I'm fine Kook" Yoongis voice was gruff, trying to hold back his irritation with the whole situation. But also the satisfaction that he had beaten that fucker Jae for tormenting his baby brother.

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