Mugman: What about their names?

Gabriel: Michael and Raphael

Mugman: Gabriel, Michael, and Raphael? Aren't those the names of archangels?

Gabriel: Yes, our parents named us after them!

His casual loe caused Mugman to smile, a little intrigued by the claim

Mugman: Oh, nice! I wish I knew where my name came from.. How my parents came up with it and all

Gabriel: Can you not ask them?

Mugman: I never knew them

He shrugged nonchalantly, and Gabriel froze in place. He felt like a fool for asking such a stupid question

Gabriel: Ah, okay.. I'm sorry, Mugman..

Mugman: It's fine..

He crossed his arms and stared at the floor blankly. Gabriel moved his hand to grip Mugman's shoulder

Gabriel: Would you like to talk about it?

Mugman: No, it's okay!

A kind smile reassured Gabriel, and he felt a little relieved that Mugs felt fine. He glanced down the hall before speaking again

Gabriel: Did you know I grew up with Azrael?

Mugman: Really?

Gabriel: Yes! He's like a brother to me! And I know I am, too!

Mugman: Well, you two argue like you're brothers

They both laughed before leaning closer together. They were silent again, both of them trying to think of what to say

Mugman: What are your parents like?

Gabriel: They're very nice! They raised my brothers and I quite well!

Mugman: Must be nice..

Gabriel: It is..

Mugman: Cuphead and I were raised by a guardian of ours instead. He.. passed a long time ago..

Gabriel: I'm sorry for your loss..

Mugman: It's okay. We called him "Elder Kettle." Never bothered to ask for his real name, now that I think about it..

Gabriel: When did he pass?

Mugman: When Cups and I were 17

Gabriel: How old are you now?

Mugman: 20

Gabriel: Only 2 years ago? Do you still get upset at the topic?

Mugman: No, no, don't worry! But for my brother, the wound's still fresh.. so don't mention it to him..

He told Gabriel, and he nodded. He placed his left hand on Mugman's cheek and stared at him

Mugman: What is it..?

Gabriel: I'm very sorry, Mugman.. I know how hard it is to lose someone..

Mugman: I said it's okay! I've moved on! I understand that these things happen!

Gabriel: Are you sure?

Mugman: Yes, don't worry..

His eyes glistened, and Gabriel continued to stare at him. The angel hugged Mugman unexpectedly

Gabriel: I love you, Mugman..

Mugman: I.. I love you too..

He smiled and hugged back. He felt Gabriel move his hands to his lower back, and his face flushed

Mugman: Your hands are warm..

Gabriel: I know

Mugman: A-And you smell heavenly..

He knew better than to ruin the moment, so Gabriel restrained himself from laughing. Instead, he hugged Mugs even tighter

Gabriel: Mugman, can I kiss you?

Mugman: Huh..?

Gabriel: Hurry, answer, please! Azrael might've heard that and will try to kick you out..

Azrael: You're damn right I did, Gabriel!

They heard his voice call from down the hall. Mugman stood up on the couch, pulled Gabriel by the tie, and pressed their mouths together

Azrael: I swear, I -

He stopped in his tracks when he saw both Gabriel and Mugman in a deep kiss. After only a moment, Mugs pulled away and stared at Gabriel

Azrael: For fuck's sake, I did not need to see that, Gabriel!

He took a step back with a disgusted look on his face. Gabriel ignored Azrael and kissed Mugman again passionately

Azrael: Gabriel! I'm going to kill you and the- ugh, Mugman, myself!

Gabriel: Almost had a slip-up there..

He slowly turned his head to Azrael with a snarky smile as he pulled away from Mugs. Said mug seemed to be in a slight daze

Azrael: Get out! Tell him to get out!

Gabriel: Mugman? Mugman, are you okay?

Mugman: Uhm, y-yeah..

Suddenly, the phone rang. Azrael went to answer and put it up to his ear

Azrael: Who is this?

A faint voice was heard, and Azrael raised a brow, glancing at Mugman

Azrael: It's for you, Mugman

Mugman: Uhh, okay..

He got off the couch and took the phone from Azrael

Mugman: Um, hello..?

King Dice: Hello Mugman

Mugs flinched at the sound of Dice's voice. He was silent, and his breathing hitched. But he calmed down and responded

Mugman: Hey.. D-Did you.. need anything?

King Dice: The boss does. He wants to meet your boyfriend

Mugman: How do you know I -

King Dice: Cuphead's told us about him. He gave us this number

Mugman: Oh, okay..

He muttered through gritted teeth. He couldn't believe his brother would do this to him

King Dice: At the casino. Tomorrow morning. Don't be late

He hung up, and Mugman slowly put the phone back. He looked anxious but also dreadful

Gabriel: What's wrong?

Porcelain eyes lingered on the floor before slowly shifting to stare at Gabriel. He was worried


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