Chapter 6: Loverboy

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Chapter 6: Loverboy


Saturday, May 4th, 2019

"Right, so, uh... I'll see you tomorrow then," I said uneasily. Kat was ignoring me completely now as she focused on her food. Ben was silent on the other end, and I winced, feeling as though it was my fault. Tomorrow did seem far away.

These aren't real feelings; it's just a biological reaction, I thought to myself, frowning. You don't need him, and you don't need to see him. You barely know him.

"Yeah, see you tomorrow. Thanks, for calling," Ben said quickly, the praise causing a small flutter of butterflies in my stomach.

"... Yeah. Well, goodbye," I said awkwardly, not enjoying the apparent disagreement between my body and brain.

"Goodbye," Ben replied, and I winced again at how sad he sounded. I ended the call before I was tempted to say something else awkward or unwanted.

"You are very, ah, how you say... nelovko?" Kat said, eyes still trained on her plate.

"Awkward," I replied flatly. "The word you want is awkward."

"Yes, you are very awkward," Kat said brightly.

"Your English is better than I expected," I said, switching back to Russian.

"I only know a few things," Kat said with a wave. "I can order food and ask for directions. I know a few funny words and idioms, and things as jokes, but conversation is difficult. Speaking is easier than listening."

"Well, would you like to learn another new word?" I asked lightly. Kat gave me a quizzical look and nodded.

"You," I started with a pointed look, "Are a bitch." Kat immediately roared with laughter, setting down her plate to swat me on the arm.

"I know that one already! And I'm not a bitch if it's true," she said smugly. "It was cute, though, that he makes you nervous."

"I... no," I replied, wrinkling my nose in distaste. Kat hummed doubtfully, and I rolled my eyes. Before I could defend my good honor and reputation as an anti-social asshole, there was a soft knock at the door.

"Anthony?" Darius' voice called.

"Uh, yeah?" I replied. I was still weirded out by how intense the barrier between him and Kat was, physically manifested in the apparent line in the sand that was the threshold to this apartment. Kat had redoubled her focus on her food in an attempt to dodge my questioning gaze.

"Any reason why there's a lone wolf in custody of border patrol asking for you?" Darius inquired lightly.

"Shiiiiit, that's James," I called back, jumping off the couch and rushing towards the door. I yanked it open to find Darius waiting for me with crossed arms and a raised eyebrow.

"James, your roommate, James?" Darius asked. His face held an expression of light surprise, to which I shrugged.


"He's here to visit you?"


"And you knew about it?"


"Like... you're friends?"

"Is that a problem?" I snapped.

"No! Just, you've never really talked about him much before. I didn't realize you were actually close," Darius said.

"I didn't say we were," I said with a shrug.

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