28. Need a Favor

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Davina had a great ass.

It was a true statement. Not just ottos opinion. But Davina Targaryen had a great ass.

Years of carrot cake for breakfast and squatting down to pick up children and their messes attibuted to her great ass. Otto was sure of that.

But all of davina was great. From her pregnancy stretch marks to her stress bitten nails.

Otto watched as her hips swayed under his shirt. Watched her bend to scoop up Baelon from his bed. Watched her perfect ass curve to him.

He sent davina that disarming grin of his and leaned against the banister.

"What?" Davina questioned.

"I just love you so much." Otto answered. She sat beside him trapping him under her legs. "You want a baby?"

"I have a baby." She corrected smiling down at baelon.


"Is this because im brewing a tea? Oh honey i dont want more children. Baelon is perfect. I just dont want another. You have enough kids that we dont talk to."

"My sons hit on you every time they visit." Otto grumbled.

"Thats because they have mommy issues." Davina agreed.

"Dont drink the tea yet." Otto requested his hand sliding up her leg feeling her wetness.

"Just brewing it. Its a tricky potion to make. Takes time. Lots of time." Davina remarked arching her hips into his touch.

"Put the baby back to bed then." Otto suggested.

Otto watched Davina move about the house cleaning up as he got ready for work. But then he realized that she wasnt cleaning up. That was foolish to think. She wasnt a cleaner after all. She was organized chaos.

"Whats going on?"

"Found it!" Davina held up her shoe victoriously.

"You coming with?"

"Baelon has a playdate and im joining you for a meeting."

"You are?"

"I am." Davina agreed kissing him.

First ones here." Davina remarked looking around. "We have plenty of time."

"For what?" Otto pondered. She kissed his neck pushing him into his seat. Her hands ran down his chest as she got on her knees. "Davina they will be here any-" She pulled his chair forward as she sunk under the table. Otto's eyes went wide when the council entered. His hand went under the table reaching for her. She kissed his knee and his hand went to the table. Viserys came in and the meeting began.  Davina smirked. She said she was joining him for the meeting. She just didnt say how.

He gripped the table to pull his chair flush with the edge. Her dainty fingers run lazily across the fabric, the pace teasing him as he struggled not to shift in his seat. She started to apply more pressure, and he let out a deep breath. She hasn't even undid him, and he was already straining at the seams. Otto glanced from the Viserys to his own lap. If only Viserys knew his little sister was on her knees right now.

He felt her fiddling with the button of his pants, and he was grateful he didn't wear a belt. She pulled the material aside, and his cock pushed forward in his boxers. She proceeded to taunt him further, palming his covered dick, up and down, increasing in pressure as she reached the tip. He shakily reached forward and bring the wine glass to his lips, tipping it up so he could take a long sip. It was all he could do to not turn red under her touch.

Davina reached under the band and freed his cock. He groaned as soft fingers graze over the sensitive skin. Eyes shifted his way and he coughed out trying to cover his pleasure. Her thumb rolled over the bead of precum that has gathered at the tip, swirling it around. There was a pause as she removed her hand for a second before quickly replacing it, wet this time. He smirked at the thought of her on her hands and knees under the table, spitting into her palm before grabbing his cock. Davina, his princess on her knees for him, this was so scandalous but he found he quite liked a scandalous davina. He relaxed his body against the back of the chair, tipping his eyes up to the ceiling as his eyes rolled back he had to maintain his composure as he lost himself to her rhythm for the next few minutes. One hand pumps and twists along his length while the other cupped his balls with light pressure, it was intoxicating. He had to ball his hands up tightly to stop himself from reaching under the table and fisting her hair, shoving those plump lips around his cock.

Otto cleared his throat taking another sip of wine and choked on it when her lips met his cock. He tensed and aimed his hips upward to meet her. Davina stayed under the table the whole meeting, playing with him, taunting him. Otto had never been more ready for a meeting to end so he could kiss her full lips.

But ottos high ended with a raven. A fucking raven declaring the happy news if one could call it that.

Rhaenyra was pregnant. With Daemons child.

Those monsters.

"I only talk to God when I need a favor. And I only pray when I ain't got a prayer. So, who the hell am I to expect a savior?" Davina pondered. "If I only talk to God when I need a favor... But God, I need a favor... Amen, amen? Is that how is works. I dont know. Yeah, I owe you more than one And beggars can't be choosers but im begging for the sake of others more than myself. But I'll pay for all I've done but not what im going to do if i see those fuckers again. Just, please, God please. I beg of you. Strike lightning down on Daemon and Rhaenyra and fry them back to hell. Because they are pregnant and i want to kill them. You killing them would be a great mercy compared to what i would do... Amen."

Otto chuckled from behind her. She turned to him hands rooted on her hips.

"What? Was that not right?" Davina questioned

"It was perfect." Otto assured.

Now That We Don't Talk / Otto Hightower / Davina TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now