23. Frosting

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For Baelons first name day Tommen came up for the party. Davina assured a suddenly tense otto that tommen was just a friend as she launched herself into his arms and he spun her around whispering sweet nothings in her ear.

"My sister is a very honest person. If she wanted to have an affair with tommen i doubt she would lie about it."
Viserys remarked. Davina laughed into tommen as he held up a few bags worth of gifts for baelon.

"I didnt know if I should bring it up but I heard a rumor since you last visited about..." tommen glanced rhaenyras way.

"Oh yeah. Its true." Davina agreed. "We all thought wow, a baby thats nice... ish... then we saw little Jacaerys and of course I'm a good auntie and dont judge but when Aemond came out pale and silver hair and then a few moons later Jace came out looking like..."

"Strong." Tommen agreed. 

"Yeah." Davina agreed. "But lets not talk about them, today is Baelon day." 

"Every day is Baelon day with you no doubt." Tommen corrected. 

"Thats true. He is perfect and I spoil him daily." 

"Umm your husband is staring me down." Tommen remarked. "Dont look!" he corrected as Davina spun around. She waved Otto over. 

"Come meet my lover- I mean Tommen." Davina teased. 

"Tommen Martell, Davina has told me a lot about you." Tommen remarked shaking Otto's hand. 

"Same for you... you are her eldest friend." Otto agreed. Davina leaned into him reassuring Otto that he was her guy. He smiled his arms wrapping around her. She had a way of irritating him and making him feel loved within the same breath. 

"Any dragon yet?" Tommen questioned. 

"When he's big enough we are finding Silverwing for him if his egg doesnt hatch."

"Not Cannibal?" Tommen mused. 

"I dont want him trying to eat my Fury." Davina corrected. 


"There is your little shadow, I was wondering when he would emerge." Otto remarked. "Aegon loves Davina."

"Of course he does, whats not to love?" Tommen agreed. 

"Where are my presents?" Aegon questioned. 

"It's not your name day." Davina corrected. Aegon pouted back up at her. Davina knelt beside him touching his little cheek. "You want to help Baelon open his presents later?" Aegon nodded gripping onto her dress, she leaned in pressing a kis to his forehead. Otto found it hard to believe that this all started on Aegon's second name day, two years ago now. 

Otto had seen Davina tending to Aegon and he didnt see a husband killer, he didnt see trouble, he saw a beautiful young woman with the potential for kindness and love. He didnt see the sassy drama filled woman that was always ruining herself for a man that didnt appreciate her. 

"Time for cake, Aegon you want some?" Davina questioned. 

"Yeah." Aegon agreed eagerly. 

"The mid day hasnt even been-" Otto countered but davina shook her head moving to Baelon.

"He can't eat a mid day meal, but he can shove his little face in a piece of cake." Davina corrected. "Then wash it down with some yummy warm milk from the teat, right honey?" She cooed. 

There was a little fondant dragon on top of the cake, Baelon reached for it first shoving it into his mouth before spitting it out and throwing it onto the ground. He reached for the frosting next  lapping it up like a dog from his fingers. 

"This is great." Davina decided as she took a bite. Otto nodded keeping a wary eye on Tommen and keeping an arm around Davina. 

"When is... Tommen leaving?" Otto pondered. 

"Oh Otto." Davina whispered as he put Baelon in the crib. 

"What?" Otto countered. 

"Are you jealous?"

"Of what?" 

"He's fast asleep in the next room over. It's been day Otto, can't my best friend stay, he traveled all this way."

"Of course he can." Otto assured. "This is your home. Our home." 

"Exactly, Our home." Davina agreed. "If I wanted hella sexy Tommen I would have married him ages ago." Davina assured. "But you trapped me with a baby, so you got lucky." 

"Thanks." Otto murmured. 

"I'm mostly kidding." Davina offered. "I love you. I told Tommen that and he gasped that I was staying such words but he knows you are my guy, Otto." 

"I'm just-"





"Old and comparing yourself to TOmmen?'

"Davina." Otto demanded. Baelon giggled up at them. 

"What? You want me to keep guessing?"

"You irritate me so much." Otto grumbled heading to the bed room. 

"I know yet you love me."

"I do." OTto agreed. Her lips was caught between her teeth as he brought a hand to her chin, her lips pulled away from each other as she arched up into him.

"You are trouble." 

"I know." Davina agreed as his lips descended upon her. 

Now That We Don't Talk / Otto Hightower / Davina TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now