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"The purpose of our lives is to be happy." - Dalai Lama

Despite the hospital being a bit far,the journey felt interminable, burdened by a whirlwind of emotions. Her husband's unexpected gesture of passing her his ring only added to the confusion, contrasting with that  of their chaotic relationship. His new found act after the accident stirred a lot of emotions, was he thinking about her, was he ready for a reconciliation to their failing marriage. Stepping out of the bus, she wasted no time in outlining her purpose to the receptionist, With a brief apology and clear directions from the nurse, she hurried down the corridor, her heart pounding in her chest.

Each step echoed with urgency as she hastened towards her husband's room, the hallway seemingly elongating with each pace. Finally arriving, she caught sight of her mother-in-law at her son's bedside. A pang of unease settled in her stomach as she observed the older woman's tender gestures towards her son, mingled with a growing sense of discomfort. Their eyes locked, and in that moment, the hostile gaze of her mother-in-law, sending an icy chill down her spine. The tension in the room became clear, as if sensing trouble ahead.

"So, you've decided to grace us with your presence," her mother-in-law's words dripped with contempt with her thick African accent . "I half expected you wouldn't bother to show up for my son."

"I came as soon as I received the call, and I used the bus, which was slow," she replied, her voice steady but tinged with a hint of defensiveness. A pile of frustration welled up within her, masked by her attempt to maintain composure.

"What a flamzy excuse,the car my son got for you—is it merely for decorating the garage, there is  always some excuse with you," her mother-in-law's accusatory tone cut through the air, stirring up a whirlwind of guilt within her. Surprised and dismayed by her mother-in-law's knowledge of the car, she looked at her husband wondering what hadn't he told his mother. Looking at her husband, she couldn't help but notice the tubes protruding from his mouth and nose, the clinical white bandage encircling his head, making evidence of the brain surgery he had undergone. His normally vibrant complexion now drained of color, stark against his dark skin. As she looked at him, she felt a mix of questions and confusion, wondering what he could tell her.

As she stood beside her husband, lost in her thoughts, a doctor entered the room with a straight expression, breaking the heavy silence. With a gloomy  expression, the doctor delivered the news that due to the emergency brain surgery, her husband would be experiencing memory loss, unable to recall recent events or even recognize familiar faces. As the doctor delivered the news of her husband's memory loss, she felt a surge of conflicting emotions washing over her. She heard the doctor still talking but she was lost in her own words, trying to process what was happening around her from nearly having a divorce to an accident, now her husband was having a memory loss. She looked at her husband side, he looked so helpless. It was all together a roller coaster.

As the doctor finished speaking, her mind raced with conflicting thoughts. "Is there anything we can do to help him regain his memory" She asked, her voice trembling with desperation. The question hung heavy in the air, stirring a mix of emotions within her.

She glanced at her mother-in-law, her heart heavy with guilt and regret for the strained relationship between her and her husband. Seeing the older woman's tear-filled eyes and the way she clung tightly to her son's hand only deepened her sense of remorse. It was clear that her husband held a special place in his mother's heart, a realization that weighed heavily on her conscience.Unable to find the words to comfort her mother-in-law or offer any reassurance, she remained silent, lost in her own thoughts. The doctor shook his head solemnly. "Memory loss can be unpredictable and varies from person to person. We'll do our best to support him, but there are no guarantees."  He added having to excused himself.

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