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Waking up to an empty bed was like a morning routine, the other side of the bed neatly arranged like it hasn't been touched for a week. Like every other night he went out. A smiled quickly spread across her lips. She couldn't pretend to the fact that she hatred when he was around.  She could have her freedom now. Upon moving from the bed , she made her way to the mirror. Her mood changed. The scar was still there . The scar he gave her from the last fight.

" you are a ugly piece of shit " he always said to her with disgust full on his face. It was like her presence made him sick.
He dad always told her that she was pretty, the fullness of her hair and her dark eyes made her pretty.  She knew This. The ranging whispers of him tell her that she was not pretty made her accept the fact that she wasn't overtime.
Making her way to bathroom, she removed her clothes, and looked at the mirror, she was his punching bag , she could not believe how she got her self tied up with him. This was not the Ada she knew. Her papa would be disappointed with her. Entering the bathtub for a quick bath, the water running down to her smooth body, a deep exhale came from her mouth, the week had not even started and she already had a rough Monday already thinking about him. Suddenly the hair on her body stood up, she felt a presence the room. Like someone was watching her.

"Is anyone there" she called out .She heard no one
No one was home who was she kidding . Why was she talking to herself, she was the only one around. She quickly got out, dressed up and headed to the kitchen for breakfast. On her way there he was lying wasted on the couch. On getting closer to him, he winked of alcohol. He was wasted. She dare not touch him. The last time she did it, it ended in him giving her the beating of her life. He owned her. After her father died, he became different, coming home late , getting drunk and having different perfumes on his body. He cheated on her. She saw pictures of them from a trip they went to .Deep in her thoughts, she saw him staring at her.

"Looking at you is making me sick" he said looking at her in disgust.
"Please move "
She moved avoiding him like a plague not ready to have another argument, her morning was going peacefully . She returned to the kitchen to make breakfast while he headed upstairs probably to have his bath following a large Boom ! She jumped at the sound of that!

Moving to make breakfast quickly and move to her office, her phone rang.
" Hello" She answered calmly
" Hello, good morning, are you mrs Obi" the voice asked .
"Okay, I am James orji and I am your husband lawyer "
The moment the voice revealed itself as a lawyer she became tensed up immediately.
"Okay ..." still hoping that it was what she was thinking.
" Yes mrs Obi I am coming around to your office with the divorce paper that your husband wants you to ...." The voice became distant in her head, the morning which was going perfectly was already turning into sour. Tears rushed down her cheeks. He wanted nothing to do with her again.
"Hello ma'am are you still there" the voice called her back.
"Yea, I would be in my office by ten this morning "
" okay, have a nice day"
She looked around and noticed that he was already in the kitchen. She made her way towards him.

" So this is how you want to play this game huh"
" just sign the goddamn papers, you and I are over " he said nonchalantly trying to make his coffee. She hated him more. She screamed, which startled him. She wasn't going down with a fight. She know the game he tried to play with her. She could lose everything . Immediately she called her secretary

" I want you to call my lawyer " she told the voice.

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