6: Beached

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The trio look at Haru in horror realizing that their secret is out, but Haru's expectant posture turns into giggles.

"You guys look like deer in headlights. Don't worry I won't say anything, I knew for a while now anyways", he said smiling at the three who were now all confused. Akamatsu and Aoki turn to look at Kobayashi.

"Don't look at me. I'm just as confused as you are".

Haru giggles and starts to explain, "It was actually around Christmas"



Haru's POV

We just came home from Christmas shopping. Dad, Kaede and I started to organize the groceries into their respective places while Mori (their youngest brother) was playing with his ball carelessly. Dad scolded him and then there was a knock at the door so he left to find out who it was. I went to get a glass of juice since I was thirsty and poured it out on the counter. Mori threw the ball, knocked over the glass then Kaede unknowingly walked into it and then he just took off. I always wondered why every time he got wet he would run off so I followed him upstairs into the bathroom and heard a thump. The door wasn't fully closed so I peeked in and saw him with a tail.



"Wait, and you didn't freak out or say anything?", Akamatsu asked astonished.

"Well I was shocked at first but after a while, it didn't phase me. Plus I thought about what if my brother got into trouble cause of me so I kept quiet".

Kobayashi walked up and hugged his younger tightly. "Thank you! I have a great sibling!" he said giggling.


The next day, while walking down to the beach,

"Haru is pretty mature for his age", Aoki said "And he's quite smart".

"Looking back on it now he suddenly began doing all the dishes. As much as he's okay with doing chores he doesn't like doing the dishes", Kobayashi chuckled.

"Lucky you. Ryu told me to learn to do it on my own!", Akamatsu said pouting.

His two friends burst into laughter. Upon arriving at the beach they noticed a large crowd of people and a big commotion. They rushed over and made their way through the crowd to find out what was going on and stumbled upon a beached dolphin.

"It's a dolphin!", Aoki exclaimed.

"The fifth one this week and a case amongst others", a voice from behind them said.

They turned around and saw Hajime looking concerned.

"What do you mean amongst others?", Kobayashi asked.

"They suddenly started showing up one after the other. Last week a pod of 7 came up at the same time, something like this isn't natural".

"Does anyone know why?", Aoki asks looking at the poor dolphin.

"No clue. Not even the marine experts. These many beached dolphins have never happened here before", Hajime responded.

The veterinarian tending to the dolphin was checking to make sure the dolphin was okay before asking the people to help put it back into the ocean. Then suddenly it started to frantically move upon being shown back to the ocean and started squealing. To everyone, it was normal noise but to the three friends, it was like they could understand every word.

*Please don't! It's scary there, I don't want to go back! I know it's waiting for me out there!* they heard the dolphin yelling. They all turned at each other motioning that they heard what it said.

They then decided to call the Marine Park to bring in the distressed dolphin to their facility. They immediately came and took the dolphin away. While everyone was trying to make sense of the situation, the three dashed away to their secret spot.

"You guys heard that too right?" Akamatsu asked anxiously.

"Yep", they responded, nodding their heads in agreement.

"What was it yelling about though?" Kobayashi questioned.

Just then a splash was heard behind them, and they turned to see Aoki already in the water. "Let's find out!" he waved to them. Akamatsu smiles and joins Aoki in the water but Kobayashi doesn't budge an inch, instead, he has an idea.

"You guys go ahead, I have another way", he said "Just be careful out there okay?" and then he ran off.

The two friends swam off wandering around the ocean's floor looking for clues, but to no avail.

"Wait, we can talk to sea creatures!" Akamatsu giggled. He swam up to a school of fish that was passing by and questioned them about the situation. Some kept quiet while others were whispering amongst each other until finally, one spoke up, *there's a mysterious creature whose arrival coincided with the dolphins*.

"Do you guys know what the creature is?" Aoki asked swimming up to the fish.

Another fish then spoke up, *No clue, but for some reason, it isn't bothering the rest of us. It's just chasing the dolphins to the shore*. The two friends thanked the fish and the school went on their way.



Kobayashi ran to the Marine Park where the dolphin was being held. He found out it was in a pool on its own. He waited until many people left and came up to the pool calling out to the dolphin, but the dolphin paid him no mind. So he called out to it again but this time, "Hey! You said something today, what did you mean!". As the dolphin heard this he swam up to him, *You're a merperson!*

"Yes, and I want to help you", he responded, "So why were you panicking like that?".

*Well* he paused and then began to talk, *I'm not sure what the creature is, but my merfriend, Aqua, knew what it was. For some reason, it would come looking for her whenever she was with us, almost like it could sense her presence.*

"Where is she now?"

*She went back to the merkingdom. She didn't want us to get hurt because of her so she went home but then it started looking for us so we could help it find her.*

"Only merfolk can go into this place, right? What if the creature wants to go there?"

*It won't be able to, only Merfolk can open the portal to the merkingdom.*

Kobayashi began to have a sinking feeling and realized that if the creature did want Merfolk, his two friends were in danger.

"My friends! They're in trouble, I have to go warn them", he thanked the dolphin and ran as fast as he could back to the beach.

Back to Aoki and Akamatsu,

A strange shadowy figure can be seen stalking the two merfriends without their knowledge.



*Will Kobayashi reach his friends in time? Or will the strange figure finally get what its been looking for?*

Till next time my nightshades ^_^

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