Chapter Seven

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Koa, cleaned his hands on a rag and cussed silently. Things weren't going exactly how he had planned them to.

A knock on the door drew his attention. "Come in!" He yelled.

June, walked inside and bowed. "Alpha, I have put both Ruelle and Eloise to sleep. They won't wake up for at least three days."

"Three days ehn? That's good enough."

Koa, turned around and walked towards a table where a map was dropped. "I trust you left Ruelle in the place I left her."

"Yes Alpha, I merely poured the potion in her mouth to make sure she didn't wake up and left her in the circle."

"Good, you may go." He waved his hands to dismiss her.

June turned to walk away but stopped. "Alpha if I may speak, why did you put Ruelle in a magic circle that prevents one from escaping? Surely the potion is enough to stop her movement?"

"I did it for reassurance. If she happens to wake up, she won't he able to get out of the circle until I take her out. Leave now, I'm busy."  He raised his hand, bringing the conversation to an end.

June bowed and walked right out of the door.

Once he was alone, Koa released a breathe. He pushed down the guilt that was building up.

He was doing the right thing. He was sure he was. He was merely trying to keep them safe until his meeting with the vampires ended.

Or was he doing it because of the prophecy?

"Damn the fucking prophesy!"

He shook his head to clear his thoughts and turned to look at the Beta whom had just walked in. "Jayden, how close are the vampires?"

"Alpha, the scouts say they should be here by tomorrow morning."

"That's good. The meeting won't take the whole day, then they'll be gotten rid of."

"Are we attacking them when they come?"

Koa, paused and looked at the map as though the answers laid there. "For now, no. However, if something unexpected comes up, be prepared for war."

"Yes Alpha"

"I won't let history repeat itself ever again."

The sweet smell of lavender, filled the air.

"Wake up my queen."

Ruelle, opened her eyes and sat up. She laid on a soft bed and pillows surrounded her. She looked around the room and was taken aback by it's beauty. It looked unreal with flowers surrounding the room, candles on glass tables and a beautiful tapestry on the wall.

Where was she?

She looked down and saw that she wore a very much transparent dress and she tried to cover up herself.

"Why are you suddenly shy?"

She turned sharply to look at who had spoken and she gasped when she saw a half naked man laying beside her.

He was beyond beautiful. His hair was silver and flowed down his back and his eyes were the same color. He was slender but muscular and his lips, his lips were the color of blood.

"Blood?" She whispered.

She screamed as she realized what was going on, this was her dream. But how was she sane? How was she able to think?

"What have you done to me?" She questioned as she grabbed part of the bed sheet and covered herself.

He, raised his brows and looked at her in a mocking manner. "If sleeping with you is a crime, I am guilty."

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